Esteem.Life - v1.0 - I'm still alive, and now the Beta is too! Set up a custom Steemit feed today!

Real life has been unusually rough these last couple days, so I will first apologize for my delay. I've had to since find a new place to live and begin the long, arduous struggle for child custody, so by all means I wasn't vacationing. In between bouts of spiritual and mental anguish, however, I did find some solace in overhauling Esteem.Life in preparation for the launch for beta testing!

For those who've been paying attention to my screenshots so far, just take a look at the difference as of v1.0!

Much has been improved and there is much left yet to be done, but here's just a sampler of what I got accomplished (entirely from scratch!) so far:

  • Custom, shareable feeds!!!
    • Posts from author(s)
    • Posts from tag(s)
    • Min/max post payout
    • Min/max reputation
    • Make as many feeds as you want!
    • Share your feeds page (
    • Customized pagination/load more posts
  • Custom profiles
    • Banner colors
    • Font colors
    • Background colors
    • Banner image (not fully implemented yet)
  • Steemit magic
    • Vote on posts through Esteem.Life using your Steemit account's posting key!
    • Loads more information onto feeds page faster than feed page alone
  • Security
    • SSL encryption
    • Steemit keys are never ever ever ever stored in plaintext or sent unencrypted to or from the server

Although this is just just a beta sample of some of Esteem.Life's functionality expect much more to come! I'll definitely need a few days to get my life back in order, but I figure for now this can keep my hopes alight. Of course there will still be some rough patches, but now I can use your feedback to help improve the app that much quicker!

Thank you so much for the endless support Steemit, and this one's for you!

Get started and set up an account today at Esteem.Life!

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