SteemPlus 1.3: With Feed+, take control of your feed and find the posts you want to see!


The new feed+ tab lets you filter (by tag/resteem/reputation) and sort the posts (time/payout/votes) from you feed.

If you liked SteemPlus 1.2 and its capability to hide annoying resteems, you will love this! You can now take control of your feed to find the posts that you want to see. SteemPlus is a lightweight browser extension available for Chrome, Opera and Firefox (see tutorial at the end of the post).

New Feature: feed+

As you can see, once the extension updated/installed, a new feed+ tab is added directly to your Steemit usual page. After clicking the 'feed+' tab, a loading page will appear and start loading the 300 previous posts from your feed. If you have a decent connection and the node is stable, it should take 10-15 seconds. All the subsequent filtering and sorting operation are realized nearly instantly. I will make the number of posts loaded a parameter in the future, so that you can change it in function of your patience and the number of posts you want to see.

Anyways after these few seconds, this is what you get:

As you can see, I did my best to respect Steemit's style for displaying the posts and a new menu appeared on the right side of your feed. Let's check it out:

Sort By

Once the posts loaded, you can sort them nearly instantly thanks to this option.

In the previous screenshot, the posts were sorted by Payout (the biggest pending payout first); but you can also sort by number of upvotes, or chose to see the most recent/old first.


Filter by Tag

Very straightforward but useful, here you can chose to see all posts regardless of their tag or chose to see only posts including at least one of the tags from your list. Tags need to be separated by a single space.
It doesn't need to be the main tag, just one of the five.

Filter the Resteems

Regarding the resteems, it works the same than in SteemPlus 1.2, you can either:

  • Show all Resteems
  • Hide all Resteems
  • Blacklist: Hide all resteems from the users in the list (separated by a single space). You can add directly users to the blacklist from the feed or their profile.
  • Whitelist: Hide all resteems except from the users in the list (separated by a single space). You can add/remove users to this list directly from their profile.


This is the house of the reputation filter, that does a great job at filtering low quality content!
Much more filters to come here in the coming weeks!

Old features

Still here to help the minnows chose their voting weight, the extension popup can be found in the right top of you browser, by clicking on the SteemPlus logo.

Enter your ID, Private Posting WIF and desired voting weight and you're good to go!

A word about safety : the private posting WIF is stored locally so I can't gain access to your account. However, never trust anyone in the Internet, disable automatic update or even better, install SteemPlus in developer mode from Github.

Anyways, once you are set, click on the time the post/comment you want to upvote was posted '... ago', it will change the url in top of your browser, then click Upvote.

You can also keep track of your Voting Power there.

More functionalities to come in this popup ;)

Future Work

  • Add 'Sort by Cheerleader/Idol' to Feed+ (Show the ones that upvoted you the most/ that you upvoted the most first).
  • Possibility to filter out posts that were already upvoted.
  • Possibility to custom the number of posts loaded in feed+
  • Community filter (TBD)
  • Upvote to a certain percentage with keyboard shortcut.

How to install

On Chrome

If you're using Chrome, it's very straightforward, you just have to install SteemPlus from the Chrome Store here and enjoy!

On Opera

  • Add and install the Download Chrome Extension from the Opera add-ons gallery.
  • Select Add to Opera in here.
  • Accept the disclaimer.
  • You'll be shown the extension manager page, select Install in front of SteemPlus.
  • Enjoy!

On Firefox

  • Install Chrome Store Foxified.
  • Select Add to Firefox in here.
  • If you wish to install the add-on permanently, you need to login to and have your cookies enabled!

SteemPlus is opensource and available on Github here.

Hope this help!

@stoodkev for @steem-plus

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