SteemPi to SteemFest, and mini SteemPi meetup in Sham Shui Po Hong Kong !

Finally got the bits and pieces i ordered and was waiting on for so long. inside the boxes are parts for the SteemPi project:

1x Aluminium Raspberry Pi case
2x Aluminium Raspberry Pi case (with GPIO "door")
2x Plastic Raspberry Pi case
2x Orange Pi Lite
1x Orange pi Lite case
1x NEJE Laser engraver 1000mw

SteemPi bits and pieces

unpacking the boxes

2x Aluminium case, and 1x plasitc case for Raspberry Pi

The two diffrent aluminium cases are very nice, and i would want and need to use them more to know which one is better to use with SteemPi. The new (black) plastic cases i already used before, they are basic and .. plastic but very nice to use and they look oke and can be easy customized but they not look as good as the Aluminium cases.

Laser engraving

In between the preparations of the package for SteemFest i had some time to unpack and try and play a bit with the new laser engraver and used it to engrave the SteemPi logo onto varies things and materials and after a hour of trial and error already got some usable results.

SteemPi just arrived in Lisbon with Speedpost from Hong Kong

In the package:
1x SteemPi dev/demo Box
3x Preinstalled SteemPi micro SD cards

Speedposting to SteemFest

If you are on SteemFest and own a Raspberry Pi than you could get in contact with @inquiringtimes for one of the FREE SteemPi micro SD cards (@inquiringtimes decides when and how to give them away)

If there is time and if its approved from the SteemFest organisation than @inquiringtimes will prepare a demo with SteemPi connected to a beamer.

If you have interest in the SteemPi TV-Box project and ideology, than be sure to not miss this, if your not at SteemFest, you still can get in contact on the SteemPi Discord server.

SteemPi is in development and to reach the full potential it needs, and can use your input and help.

SteemPi mini meetup

Beside the last minute preparations and being the last person in the closing post office because of it :) , i also had a mini SteemPi meetup with @guyverckw we talked for some time now about SteemPi on Discord and he recently installed and wrote a review about the latest version of SteemPi. When chatting about that we both missed the Hong Kong meetup i mentioned "We still can have a mini meetup at the bookstore that sells Raspberry Pi's"

Giftbox for @guyverckw and demo unit and SD cards that just reached Lisbon and hopefully soon also reach, @inquiringtimes

A coincidence?

..We made a appointment for the next day and we would meet in the bookstore in Sham Shui Po, i prepared one more small SteemPi giftbox to give away to him . Meeting people with the same passion is very interesting and a lot of fun and i'm sure the people at SteemFest are enjoying and having interesting conversations, things to talk about, and ideas to share. The first SteemPi meetup was at the same time with SteemFest.

We walked through the different area's and went to multiple computer and electronic component stores and shared the once we know, while talking about Pi (components), Steem and SteemPi.

It was a lot of fun and very interesting and i can advise to everyone to consider to arrange or join a (mini) meetup with the Steem users you connect with through Steem on a regular base.

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