Do you want a whale vote ? I will buy one for you ! Operation support + Whaleshares + help the minnows !

 Dear friends I got very inspired from several of the new projects in Steem, so I would like to introduce to you my new support operation ! 

 Whaleshares has teamed up with the50 to provide more opportunities for you, the steemit community, to earn some more steem! I alwredy have my number in the top50 its 22 ! More info in this post :


Some of you will ask what is Whaleshares  and how it works ? You can see more info here :


My support operation is very easy :

 This is what I want to do. I would like 50%, or more of the value of the steem and SBD earned from this post to go to a random user with lower than 61 reputation . You have to recommend him in the comments. 

I will do introduction post for him and also send him the 50% of the rewards from the both posts  . 

The rest rewards i will use to buy him a whale vote  from the Whaleshares !

Winner will be the most upvoted propose in comments !

 Well hopefully, this doesn't get buried and unread. I'm not doing this as a get rich scheme. I want to give back to people that deserve it. Sometimes it's just easier to upvote and/or resteem an article than it is to go through the process yourself. 

The one of the original ideas you can read in this post :


I hope you like my idea for shering and you will support this project with comments and feedback !


                 Stay positive  and many smiles !!! 


Feel free to comment , criticize, follow or unfollow me ! 

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