4 Fun & Educational Spring Activities for Kids

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I don’t know about you, but I am ready for the weather to warm up. Spring is just around the corner, thankfully. My two boys are dying to get out of the house more, as they are also tired of the freezing temperatures!

We have already begun planning some educational fun for our kiddos this spring. It’s never too early to start the planning! Plus, it gives the family something to look forward to as the winter season comes to a close.


4 Fun & Educational Spring Activities for Kids

1. Start a garden.

Springtime is the right time to plant something new. As your children tend to their plants and watch them grow, they learn about life cycles. This is an excellent opportunity to talk about healthy foods, if you are growing vegetables in your garden. Gardening also teaches patience, and that just like them, plants start small and need to be nurtured into order to grow.

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Plus, gardening is a great bonding experience for kids and their parents! I still remember the times I helped my grandfather in his garden. All the stories he shared and talks we had during those times were some of the best of my childhood.


2. Have an outdoor scavenger hunt.

Take a closer look at your backyard or local park this spring. Notice the plants and trees that grow in your area, and talk about their differences with your kids. If your child is interested, you could even snap photos of different plants and then learn more about them online.

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Don’t forget to look for wildlife or insects while on your scavenger hunt. Discuss what lives in your neighborhood. For older children, you may want to plan out what they should be looking for, but for younger kids, just exploring is fun enough!


3. Go on a hike.

Broaden your child’s knowledge of the great outdoors by going for a hike in a nearby forest or mountain. Discuss the different plants or animals you see, and see if your children can find the same things you found in your backyard or park.

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Let your kids help prepare for the hike too. This teaches them life survival skills and what they should have on hand before they go off on a hike.


4. Make a bird house.

Hang homemade bird feeders around your property to attract new species to your backyard. The construction can teach children how to put things together as well as how to use simple tools like a hammer and nails.

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Once you have hung the bird house, extra learning opportunities will come up as the birds arrive for a quit bite. Watch for activity at the feeders and discuss the types of birds that visit with your kids.


Wrapping Up

There you have it! Four ways you can celebrate the warm weather of spring while also teaching your children new concepts. When the season gets here, you can head outside and take advantage of the learning that nature has to offer.

I know my family and I can’t wait to do all of these…in fact, we have already made a new birdhouse. We are just waiting until closer to the first day of spring to hang it.

Follow my profile, @keciah, for more fun and helpful articles!


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