Humanity Loss

It is a sad time to be a human being
if only we were fruits, sand or trees
we have lost all sense of humanity
we have lost all sense of being real.

What is to be Human?


I checked the dictionary and to be honest,
the standards set for humans to be human
to possess a bit of humanity is too high,
we need to resign from being Human beings

It is a sad time to be a human being
when policemen no longer look at citizens as humans,
but as objects to be shot at and killed at any point of disagreement
when citizens no longer value policemen as humans,
only viewing them as enemies of progress

It is a sad time to be a human being
when we no longer build houses with ramps
to accommodate the lame in our society
when no one cares to help a blind man cross the road.

It is a sad time to be a human being
when we no longer see people as human beings,
but as objects to be used and disposed at will
when we define people based on the color of their skin,
their surname, the jobs they hold and where they live.
Never by the fact that they are human beings
with the dignity worthy of Love and Respect.

It is a sad time to be a human being
yet in all this, I find hope in humanity
I find Hope in Human beings
In the Irony of this Paradox
I see a better human, I pray for a better human.

It is a sad time to be a human being
yet it is never sad to be a human being
In the great contradiction of being human
we find hope for humanity.

So I fight for this contradicted human being
I value them, I love them, I respect them

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