We Live Streamed Our First Show on the Steem Star Network!
As all things on The Steem Experience, it is developing organically. I look like an absolute crazy person, fidgeting around and moving back and forth, but I will be working to improve my visual and audio presence!
@seablue and @battleaxe were amazing! @seablue's presence was exactly what we needed to have some structure and @battleaxe as always brought a great energy! Also, @battleaxe will be coming on as a host when available!
I'm not sure what happened with the audio towards the end, but that is one of the many things I am working to improve before the next show. In case you haven't heard, the show is airing every Wednesday at 2pm EST on http://steemstar.net/
We had an awesome crowd show up in Discord during the show and I am incredibly grateful for everyone that was there! Thank you all!
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