Dancing my way to Steemfest Episode #4: Passion is your art, hence pride and culture

I originally wanted to write about the habit of practicing as you express yourself in your passion, but I decided to go about it another way today as I'm filled with inspiration now.

I just got back home from a practice session with my friends.

One of them included an overseas dancer from the states, and he's really, really good.

He gave me some advice about really letting loose  and being yourself in your art.

The technical and practical advice aside, I just loved the bond and understanding we had for each other, simply because we're both Bboys.

When two like-minded people come together to indulge in their passions,  it's bond; it's brotherhood.

When two more come together, it's a culture man.

To me, it's extremely beautiful because in our dance alone, 

the little details matter, 

our individuality matters, 

our expression matters, 

our perspective matters is the sense that there's no right or wrong, 

and our love for it matters.

I just don't see that in the rest of the world.

The rest of the world judges all the time.

And I always got the sour tongue:

Just because I have time to dance and indulge in my passion, I am considered "immature" and "like a kid who makes the floor dirty."

Just because I chose to quit my job to become a writer means I "sleep all day at home and do nothing."

Just because I still live with my mom (and I always will since my dad has passed on), it means I am like "a kid who leeches off his own mother."

Just because I still like to party and drink with my good friends, it means that I would "surely cheat" on my girlfriend.

It goes on and on.

Passion has no place for such judgmental behavior.

Here's a clip of me having a private session on my own in my living room. Notice how slow I am going as I experiment with movement. 

You can bet your ass I am having fun on my own knowing that I love doing what I love and not giving a fuck about the rest of the world.

If you lack passion, find it. 

Trust me, it's worth it. 

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