Steemfest--My Faith in Humanity Has Been Restored!


Steemfest EXCEEDED my wildest dreams.   

At every turn there was another epic opportunity to share the magnificence building in this powerful community.  I so wanted to put up a continual stream of posts sharing the magic of co-creation, but instead chose to focus on being present with the amazing people who came together in the physical realms in making Steemit a truly viable, thriving, cutting-edge community.  I thought I would grab a moment or two away from the crowd, or stay up a bit later at night and sneak in a post, or perhaps awaken early before our 45 minute walk from our graciously amazing couch-surfer's home


@willemjanvandort (who is now on Steemit too!) 

to the Volks Hotel, but alas, constant contact with intelligent, inspired, engaged, hospitable, joyous people, and 2-3 hour night's sleep took precedence over the greater Steemit community. I'm overflowing with inspiration and awe after this once in a lifetime event. I'm certain that no matter how Steemit develops, there will never be an experience like this one again!!  


Women of the new world.  

So many expressed my own familiar feeling of basking in our positive combined energy that built from nearly the first moment stepping foot into the Volks Hotel. Everyone was so easy to approach, to break the ice and engage in conversation with and become instant friends. Hugs were in grand abundance from our first meeting to the last. We were like one big happy family showering blessings. I received more than my fair share for sure.   

Seeing through the lenses with @sneak

I questioned my friend/travel mate/laugh partner/co-inhabitant at the @gardenofeden yogi @saramiller if she had ever been in a room full of so many happy people.  She replied: "Only at the @gardenofeden!!!!". This is a huge testament to this Steemit community. As we are all about community (for me nearly a decade), we can attest to the power of coming together in numbers and building the sustainable foundation for the new paradigm.  Greater still it is to experience those willing to give up their entire existence to make the dream of a whole new world become a reality.  With Steemit, as it is at the @gardenofeden, I am inspired by the acknowledgement and commitment to the serious implications of great change. 

!!Once one truly realizes the possibilities 

for building an entire new world 

through our dedication to the vision, 

there is nothing else to do!!   

Everyday I am accustomed to waking to smiling, conscious people who are in dedicated service to creating a whole new world based on love, freedom and responsibility.  All my needs are met with ease, allowing me to give freely my passions with my every waking hour and sharing them prolifically.  Everyday I am grateful that my passions align with service to the greater community and I am blessed to be of benefit in being the change. In Eden, it is a frequent occurrence that strangers show up at our doorstep wishing to live this dream.  Often we mingle our lives from far corners of the earth, building family where nothing once existed. We are creating the living, tangible example for the world to see.   

@mrs.steemit I am extremely grateful to witness your expansion and the worlds hope for the future.

Outside the gates of the GOE it is extremely rare to find a group of people who are oozing with effervescent joy.  I am thrilled to say that I can feel that not only is there an extremely high level of vision and action taking place within Steemit, but it is propelled by people who are joyous to be alive.  I believe that living through passion is of utmost importance in living an abundant and fulfilled life, so those dedicating their lives to the expansion of Steemit are obviously setting a tone for a joyous experience.   

A powerful duo @ned and @roelandp

We were all bathed in appreciation for @ned and for @roelandp’s impeccable hospitality, as well as for all of those who are making this happen.  True expression of gratitude was amplified in the Steemit vortex as we recognized the true beauty of building a new world together.    

@roelandp, @svk, @saramiller and me!

A common sentiment shared was the feeling of sadness for the ending of this rapid yet, full-on, fulfilling weekend with our on-line friends who now have recognizable faces. Hugs were abundant.  Gratitude flowed for the amazing opportunity to share ourselves and the depths of our commitment.  I didn't know I could be more inspired, but in feeling the momentum building I am more dedicated than ever to activate opportunities that make this community even stronger.  I can only imagine what will transpire by our next gathering.

@opheliafu as amazing, hospitable, generous and genuine in person as she is on Steemit

Ever grateful for @richardcrill and @lindseylambz for their support too.

@mariandavp -- good move giving @kevinwong our beautiful collaborative piece of art!

Thank you, 

thank you, 

thank you for all those who helped me 

make my way to Steemfest--you are many. 

My greatest thanks goes to @quinneaker, visionary and founder of the @gardenofeden. He has been my inspiration for many many years, helping me to become the woman I am through the true infusion of unconditional love. Not only does he continually and unwaveringly shine the light on the darkness, he moves people into places within they didn't even know exists.  

Quinn sent both Sara and me to Steemfest, though unable to attend Steemfest himself as he had planned. As exciting as this weekend was, I know that the best is yet to come, as Steemians have yet to truly meet @quinneaker. This dynamic man has an all-encompassing global vision that will be amplified by Steemit, and Steemit's vision amplified by @quinneaker.  Honor, integrity, freedom and responsibility are common core factors. Sustainability is Quinn's forte, and will bring great and unequaled benefit to the platform. To unite Steemit with the @gardenofeden for me is the realization of new progressive layers of the dream. Feeling the Steemit family integrate more deeply into our lives gives me extreme inspiration and new faith in humanity.   

We are not alone,  

but far and wide inspired,  

dedicated to being the change!   

I am still in the airport in Houston before another 2 planes home.  With more solid access to wifi, I will share more of this journey to Steemfest and some of the hundreds of photos I took along the way, and a shout out to those I met who share the expansive Steemit dream.   Sleep is high on my priority list for now.   I shall rest complete in the glow of gratitude.

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