We Attended laBITconf in Argentina and SteemFest in Amsterdam.
Looking back two weeks ago I remembered commenting to @AnaHilarski that SteemFest would be very different than laBITconf primarily because the focus will be on the Steemit community rather than the technology.

Even though I was right I have to say that I really underestimated how well rounded SteemFest would be. We met the same types of people as at laBITconf but there was also a huge amount of artists, writers and non technical content producers. There was one thing that really stood out to us. There were so many women in attendance.
Tweet by @SabineDeWitte Concerning the Amount of Women in Attendance.

What Does This Mean for Steemit?
To those of us who have been around the world of Crypto for some time we know that most of these events tend to be sausage fests. That is quite normal for something as technical as a Crypto Currency conference. SteemFest is a different animal indeed.
I would be willing to bet that Steemit has brought more people to the world of Crypto Currency than any other non network marketing crypto currency ever. Sure Bitcoin is the GrandDaddy of Crypto Currencies but it takes a different approach to attract non technical users.
Recently my Mom @Sunscape joined Steemit and is loving it. I knew that her knowledge was something that would do well on the Steemit platform. Everywhere I go I see people that could do very well with their content. I don't try to convince them to join Steemit. I just show them what I have done and what my Mother has done. If they still do not see the opportunity it is their loss.
How Do We Make Crypto Currencies More Universally Acceptable?

My quote focuses on the need for programmers and developers to begin to hand over control of marketing to people who can translate what their ideas are into language that anyone can understand. The reason I believe Steemit is so special is because Ned and Dan are onboarding people who understand how to communicate with the people who will be using their platform.
The Crypto Currency world is miniature compared to most economies. The fact that Steemit is already attracting non technical people into a technology that is still in its early years is nothing short of a miracle. I was one of the people that thought we were still many years before Crypto Currencies would be widely adopted. Steemit is the kind of technology that could rapidly attract users quickly and substantially alter the adoption trajectory of Crypto Currency.
SteemFest and laBITconf were by far the best conferences that I have ever attended. They both shined in their own right. laBitconf was amazing because of the technical education I received. I also had the chance to mingle with some of the smartest people in the world of crypto. SteemFest really touched my heart because I now see how crypto can change the lives of people all over the world.
We need amazing tech and users to succeed. I think Steemit is doing a great job doing exactly this. I want to once again thank all the amazing people I met at both conferences. Now it is time to get back to work. ; )