Attend SteemFest²?

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Would you like me to go to SteemFest²? Up until today I was not planning on going because no strong feeling of needing to go had arrived. While I used to make decisions based on asking "what do I want to do?" I now ask "how may I help?" and "where can I do the most good?"

What noticed today was uncertainty as to whether not going to SteemFest² was definitely the right thing. I asked the Universe for a sign in order to make a final decision on whether to go or not go because when the sign comes, one way or the other, any doubt will be removed. I foresee reading a comment in response to this post that will provide the guidance I seek.

Would you help me to see whether it would be worth the inconvenience of travel and the time away from my family to attend SteemFest² because I trust what you have to share to guide this body into its proper position?

Where to stay? I checked and almost all the hotels nearby are sold out already leaving me additionally uncertain as to where I would stay if I did go?

Jerry Banfield

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