A meeting for the artists that are going to be at Steemfest2 in Lisbon - Who will be there?

My wife @silviabeneforti and I will be at the Steemfest2 in November, in Lisbon. We are both artists. Which other of the Steem artists will be there? (I know @opheliafu and @voronoi are going to come too).

I would like to meet the artists that will be in Lisbon. Is it possible to organize a meeting in the Steemfest program? 

I know it's too late to change the program to have room in the conference hall, but I ask to @roelandp if there is a chance to add a meeting for artists.

If it is not possible to have it in the scheduled events, I think we artists could meet in Lisbon anyway. We have just to choice a place and a date during the 5 days of the Steemfest.

As I wrote already, I think the Steem community could be really useful for artists. It is useful already, helping artists to earn money from their work. But I think it could be even more useful.

Content creators are bound to have a bigger role to play in the next years. Art is a kind of original content. Artists, in my opinion, should learn to see themselves as creators of original, honest and sincere contents. This means changing the identity and the role of the Artist as we know it. And this is one the things I'd like to talk about with other artists.

What do you think?

Of course many of the artists on Steem won't be able to be in Lisbon, but they can take part anyway to this meeting, sending their thoughts and posting and commenting on what we will say there.

That meeting in Lisbon, as I see it, can be another occasion to start a collective work.

Let me know. And stay tuned.

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