I want to go to STEEMFEST, I am a MINNOW, help me Minnow Support Project

  Steemit seems such as awesome tool. Here less than a week and loving it…. I haven’t earned anything but that’s okay with me because I like to share my knowledge with others and as a life long learner, I love to learn from others. 

But as the new kid on the block, I am lost. I know I am not the only one. Sure they even have a word for us here. Minnows. 

  So how do Minnows like me reach the masses with our content? 

  How do we grow from Minnows to Whales? 

Well it seems the Minnow Support Project is here to help, and this post is my application and official submission to win the paid trip to STEEMFEAT #minnowsupportproject

 Read more about the minnow support project here 

A Little about me

So Minnow Support Project, I have a lot to offer. I have been working online since 2010 teaching online courses. I have over 20,000 learners across multiple platforms. I love tech, finance, excel, BI, Data, learning. If I go to STEEMFEAT what can you expect from me? Well you can expect me to learn, to grow and to flourish.  To can also expect me to share the knowledge I have gained working online for the last 7 years, I am also a CPA accountant that can share finance tips and tricks. You can also expect me to enjoy myself, have fun and make friends Want to know more about me – have a read of some of my posts (there are not too many as I am only new) – upvotes are welcome, so are follows @paulag 

What would it cost to get me there?

Flights would be around €250 from Ireland

Transfer to hotel around €70 

Hotel around €400

And hay, I need the holiday....I have two kids and I am a full time mum....help me get a break!

Thanks @aggroed for the competition and to @roelandp for #STEEMFEST  

If you want to enter this competition have a read of this

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