First EVER Official Creamy & Delicious Interview With The SteemFest Stars: The Master of Ceremonies & SteemFest Visionary @roelandp

I am excited and honored to give you the VERY FIRST Creamy & Delicious Interview with the SteemFest Stars!

Since @roelandp is the visionary reason why we have SteemFest2, I wanted to have the very first of this C&D Series to be with the Master of Ceremonies himself!

SteemFest 2 is less than a month away, and I want to invest this time to get to know the visionary behind the most fantastic fest on Earth SteemFest!

@roelandp has accomplished a lot in a short amount of time and has a very unique story. 

He was born in a windmill in 1981 and temporarily ran away as a teenager. He has extensive experience in the hospitality industry and festival scene. He has been heavily involved in marketing, website building, setting up live streams and even building the first apps for iPhones!

@roelandp has proven to be ahead of the curve as he was an early adopter of twitter before it was one of the most successful social media sites of all time, as well as the iPhone and now Steemit!

He is also a family man with a lovely parter and son. He even started his own clothing line for babies called  Little PoopFactory!

Now @roelandp is the renowned organizer of Steemfest, a Steemit and Golos witness, developed many useable apps including, and is an avid kitesurfer and father.  As you can see he is a very interesting character; I encourage you to check out his FULL story here if you have the time.

To get you even more excited about SteemFest2, here is the Creamy & Delicious Interview with @roelandp!

  • Where is your homebase? 
    Amsterdam, Netherlands

  • When did you get into crypto?
    Always knew about the 10K BTC pizza story. Fascinated. Had a litecoin wallet for a bit, looked into litecoin asics. Never did anything with it. Then finally got into ethereum mining 2 years ago. Then came along Steem.  

  • How did you hear about Steemit? 
    Via a facebook post from @beervangeer, a friend of mine. First time I visited I did not understand and belief anything of it. What are these $ signs doing in front of those like buttons?

  • What can Steemit do for the world?
    It can bring uncensored and unfiltered content to anyone without being blocked. It can bring a new economy. It can bring a bank to the unbanked.

  • How has Steemit changed your life?
    Before steemit i was sitting behind my computer working and making apps and enjoying a surf once in a while. All was good. Now with Steemit I am connected with people all over the world and I saw quite some parts of it within 1 year only. All is great! I've come in contact with new aspects of people, mainly, generosity, which I had not seen that much in my own environment, and due to relative financial stability happy to learned to implement that in my own lifestyle anywhere I can and feel appropriate. I have also seen cases however when this generosity or doing good is being abused by evil peoples, so vigilance is always advised.

  • Why should people go to Steemfest 2?
    To connect, meet and learn from 200+ other steem users and have a great time in this annual global get together!

  • What are you contributing to Steemfest 2?

  • What excites you the most about Steemfest 2?
    Hoping to see a smile on everyone's face :)

  • How did you get the idea for SteemFest?
     The whole Steemit start and vibe last year reminded me of the early days of Twitter, where you got to know so many new people in such a short time, but only online, and when we finally met in person it was epic. I still have many friends and acquaintances from that period. This idea of a global conference to enable Steemians to meet up kept bugging me and I started talking to some people from the community on Steemit chat regarding how they would feel about this. Overall the response was: "Great! When can I book my flight?" So i knew I hit a nerve here...

  • What did you learn from Steemfest 1 and how is SteemFest 2 going to be better than SteemFest 1?
    Most heard remark in the aftermath review form was "It was too short" so that's why this year a second conference day is added. Additionally to foster the developer community and its growth a hackathon is added. Additionally the Art At SteemFest is upgraded with a 5 day pop-up art gallery in an inspirational environment which will also host an arts related creative program in the DIY Citytrip weekend especially. 

    One other major take away from last year's event was that although the venue of the conference was very beautiful, the party did not really take of all that much as: people where to long in one location (party was at conference venue) and people where in the center of Amsterdam (with over 70% never been there) that they wanted to explore it a bit. So this year the event is more dynamic: both conference days are in different venues and all social events are so too. This way you naturally already see different parts of Lisbon. Also the DIY City Weekender attached after the conference days makes sure you have some time to explore the city or even further if you join @originate's SteemRally idea to drive around Portugal on saturday! 

  • What is the projected attendance for SteemFest 2?
    200 - 250 people. Growth of this year is seen a bit in attendance, but also in the duration of the event. Although ticketprices are still heavily subsidised and you get a serious lot of bang for your SBD all in all the whole trip can become quite costly. And ofcourse Steem, SBD and crypto in general have treated some of us very well, it still is a big price to pay. So I am very grateful and honoured so many take the dive and hop on a plane to come to SteemFest! See you in Lisbon!

That's a great interview - thanks for sharing with all of us, @roelandp

I feel like I know @roelandp a lot better after this, and I'm even more excited to meet him in person. I hope your interest is also piqued to be part of SteemFest to spend 5 days with such cutting edge individuals! 

Be sure to check out the SteemFest website and BUY YOUR TICKETS to get in on this extraordinary opportunity!

There are plenty of other amazing individuals involved in this fantastic fest, and I will be interviewing them in the month leading up to SteemFest 2 to build excitement and introduce them to you before you meet them in Lisbon!

Stay tuned for upcoming interviews in this series with SteemFest Stars @sneak, @opheliafu, @everlove, @timsaid, @theprophet0, and many more! 

I am super excited about SteemFest 2 not only because I will be speaking there, but basically anyone who went last year would agree that it was a pivotal event and a highlight of their year! As you can see, there will be a lot of amazing people there, which is the highlight of the fest according to feedback from last year.

Also I truly feel that SteemFest is really beneficial for Steemit as a whole. Yes everyone who is there will get to enjoy the festivities and the many benefits, but SteemFest helps ALL of Steemit shine and improves the entire community for us all!

The event is already renowned, and I am confident that this will be a great experience, but if you still need convincing to attend, check out The 11 Best Reasons to Go to SteemFest 2.

As always, I welcome your feedback!

Steem On!!

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