Creamy & Delicious it was. Thank you for coming to Lisbon and thank you for helping making SteemFest² epic and unforgettable!

Barely 24 hours ago we started the final feast of SteemFest² in the Estufa Fria (aka "Jurassic Park" as it was called by some of you :D). It was an emotional end to a great short week full of crazy people in Lisboa. As nights became shorter and days intenser I was also a bit happy to see the week come to an end to be honest :) Totally stacked up with Pastel de Nata custard pies, eyes half shut and with a great expansion of memories and experiences, I'm back in the south of Portugal (with the fam ofcourse) for 1 week of decompressing before heading to the Northern European winter.

23275415_10154790199961193_4015121499680080945_o.jpgpic shamelessly ripped from @mammasitta's insta

I really want to thank you, all 311 ticket buyers and 295 checked-in people for giving me the trust and come to check what "that SteemFest" is all about. For me it was so rewarding to see you enjoying the whole thing. I mean... in the summer i was visiting all venues (and more, some who dropped of the list) and then you are just walking around alone. Then the event happens and you see the smilies, the meets, you hear the stories of people becoming friends through SteemFest, I mean that's really fricking cool to be honest and gives me a warm feeling (or is the fireplace in my back which we lit to heat up the bit-what moisty house)...

It is really humbling (and pressuring too) to see people flying in from anywhere (38 countries of origin this year (vs. 31 last year)!) but especially the ones taking the leap from 5000+ miles away to meet fellow steemians. Stories of people taking one-way tickets to Europe, people hitchhiking 2000 miles, people sleeping in the park to save up, wow, wow, wow. Your thank you and applause yesterday meant and means a lot. This vibe, this unique gathering of unique souls, this weird bunch of eclectics, it makes me want to look to the next places to go to (but first do some feedback round) for SteemFest³.


You, you, you and you! (by @timsaid)

Thank youssss! Steem, steem, steem, steem, steem!

THANK YOU, you made it happen for all of us!

For me it's now paying some (errrr... many :D) bills, the calculations of the @T-R-F fund and payouts, but most of all enjoying the #SteemFest tag and see how you experienced the event. And then recovering, surviving New Year and slowly starting to plan the next event :D

Did I already say "thank you?".... THANK YOU! see you next year,

Ps. Fortunately we still have the pictures.

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