Quick SteemFest² Update: Visiting Lisbon & Sponsorships

I know I promised that my next post about SteemFest² would be the first names announcement and ticket launch. Promises are to keep, but I am breaking them, just to break the silence.

Unfortunately last week one of my best friends mom passed away and a couple of days thereafter also my grandmom. Very unfortunate events, especially my friend's mom (too young) which naturally shifts priorities for the last & coming couple of days.

However, my family was actually very kind and considered my already planned trip in regards to planning the cremation ceremony of my grandmom, thus as I am writing this I am sitting in a plane from Amsterdam to Lisbon. The coming days (until friday) I am in the city to meet about 15 (potential) locations and suppliers for the SteemFest² program.

Not long after I return I will be able to finalise all locations and have a budget overview so I know what the minimum ticketprice will be for the event and can launch the site & ticketsale. In the meantime @cass (yeah!) has already offered to make a new look & feel to align SteemFest² with Lisbon's characteristics.

Rest assured that I will do my utmost best to make the event (again) as inclusive as possible, by having a not-for-profit ticketprice. This is mainly possible thanks to sponsorships of (for now) mostly fellow Steemians and Steemit.inc!

State of the Sponsorships

Last year I only started sponsorship requests after most of the program was booked & reserved. This year however I felt with the "June Bull Boom of the Cryptos" that it would be smart to reach out for support during that period as it would be easier for people and also relatively 'cheap' to support with some Steem.

Sofar, the following people have supported the @SteemFest account and make your ticketprice of SteemFest² (way!) lower than the costprice per person:

Thank you very much guys!

Any additional sponsorship is very welcome, just donate to @SteemFest account for bigger personal donations and/or you can also support the @t-r-f account which is the Travel Reimbursement Fund, a generic fund which will pay out to SteemFest² attendees who apply (in Lisbon) for a travel support payout.

FYI, Still want to sponsor some, but not in the big league? No problems... Wait for the ticketshop to open! Just like last year the ticket pricing will come in several 'support levels', so if Steem was good for you the past year, you are free to buy a more 'expensive' support ticket (which will still be lower than the costprice) which helps making the event great again!

Great community initiatives on the way!

For now, I'm signing off, and going to the taxi to my first meeting with the bus/coach/shuttle company and then I'm heading to HF Fenix Music as it has the swimmingpool on the roof and continue to meetings throughout the coming days.

By the way.... did you already book a hotelroom in the official SteemFest² HF Hotels? If not check out the special package prices on the dedicated SteemFest² hotel booking site: steemfest.hfhotels.com

I am (errr.... was) looking forward to that first Creamy & Delicious Pastel de Nata with my coffee! :P

And yes: all liquid rewards of this post go straight to @steemfest to support the event.

Stay updated through https://steemfest.com newsletter (2017 site up asap) and be sure to follow @steemfest

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