Steem Flag Rewards: A Diplomatic Solution to the FREESTEEM situation

I was having a discussion with one of the lotto users and, during that course, an idea dawned upon me.

What was the idea you ask? It's simple. We create a script to modify the freesteem operators into contests for the best jokes and comments or customized to whatever they would like. The competitive element will inspire comments that are good quality just like a free market.

This is how it would work and I'm going to need to roll up my sleeves on the Python but I believe it is well within my capabilities.

Here's how it works. Instead of just offering SBD for upvotes. Let the pool be distributed by comment upvote scores (excluding self-votes). It will be fairly automated but will just need to swap out the permlink or identifier in the script.

So, users can upvote to enter the contest, comment leaving a funny joke or something. At the time of post payout, the rewards are not merely divvied out because you upvoted but rather that you contributed something of value. That's really what this was all about I think.

It will take me a few days to hammer out the script but I am very excited about having a good ending to all this. I think this will be a good way for Steem Flag Rewards to build bridges within in the community. What do you think? Drop a comment below.

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