Ork Hulk

Welcome to Ork Hulk - the steem game.



Ork Hulk is a turn based game where players are teleported onto a hulk drifting in space. They have to fight their way through the corridors and rooms of the abandoned ship to find the Steem.

Once the Steem is collected the game is over, players do not have to make their way back to the start.


The player who picks up the Steem icon wins 2 Steem.
The player with the most kills at the end of the game also wins 2 Steem.


Leave a comment below. The game will start in a couple of days.

Game board

Game Board.png

Currently the majority of the board is greyed out with the fog of war. As players explore corridors and rooms the fog of war will dissipate for that section.


Any starting or returning players start at the teleportal in the North West corner. It looks like this:

  • Players can move 5 squares in a turn.
  • Players can not occupy the same square as an enemy or another player.
  • Players can pass through squares occupied by players, but not enemies.
  • Players can also choose to shoot or charge into hand to hand combat. A charging player moves 6 squares and gets a +1 to wound.
  • Players can flee from close combat, but must roll a 4+. On a roll of 1, 2 or 3 they suffer a wound to represent being hit when their back was turned.
  • Players can shoot through squares other players are in.
  • Players will shoot the closest enemy in a bunch, but can spread successful shots around.
  • Players can not shoot an enemy in close combat with another player.
  • Players and enemies can charge into already existing close combat, They get an extra +1 modifier since their target is already distracted by the other combatant.
  • Players come through the teleportal with a Slugga.
  • Players can find weapons or armour and pick them up by moving onto that square. Players can choose to pick up the new weapon or keep their current weapon.
  • Players must stop on that square to pick up the new weapon... but can use it immediately.
  • Players start with 3 wounds which can be lost over multiple turns. A player who loses all 3 wounds is dead and can choose to teleport in again with a new Ork boy.
  • Players keep their kill count for the entire game regardless of deaths.
  • Enemies have 1 wound.
  • Enemies move in the same way as players.
  • Enemies cannot pick up weapons.
  • Enemies will only move towards players in their line of sight.
  • Enemies will move back to their original positions if they lose line of sight with a player.
  • New players can start at any time.
  • All players and enemies will have at least a combat knife at all times.
  • Players will be represented by their Steem profile pics.
  • There is no friendly fire.
  • Players can not move diagonally (at least for this first game).
  • Grenades are additional wargear, so may be added to any existing weapons.
  • Ammunition (including grenades) is unlimited.
  • Players may only choose to charge if their enemy is within 6 squares.
  • Players who die will leave their wargear on their death square.
  • Extra rules can be added during gameplay for certain enemy types.


  • Players move first. Enemies move after all players have completed their actions.
  • Players will have 24 hours to list their actions in the comments.
  • Move turns are based on which players comment first.
  • After 24 hours the enemies will take their actions


NameMeleeRangeRoll to woundSpecial rules
KnifeYes1 square6+
SluggaYes3 squares5+Two shots
ShootaNo6 squares5+Two handed. Two shots
Power KlawYes1 square3+
Big ShootaNo12 squares3+4 shots. Move or shoot
BurnaYes3 squaresAutoHits all enemies in range
Frag GrenadeNo4-8 squares5+9 square AOE
Krak GrenadeNo4-8 squares3+4 square AOE

Grenades must be thrown a minimum of 4 squares so they don't wound the player.

Players and enemies in close combat only get one attack regardless of how many shots their weapon has when shooting.


NameNegative ModNotes
Cybork Armour-2comes with Power Klaw
Kustom Force Field-2Field dies after 5 wounds

Burnas automatically wound all targets within range... unless a target has a Cybork Armour or a Force Field then the Burna will have to roll a 3+ to wound.


  • Players must comment their actions. @daclawboyz will either roll on their behalf and work out the results or they can use the @rollthedice bot.
  • Each player should browse the comments of each turn before they take their action, just in case enemies have already been killed.
  • Players move and then fight. Players can not move again after shooting or close combat (follow up moves may be introduced into future games).


As far as I know a game this complex hasn't been played on the Steem blockchain before, so please bare with me if we come across any weirdness. This is the playtest group.


Ask away, obviously we're kinda working this out as we go along.

3 columns
2 columns
1 column