I'm looking to pay 25 SBD, but this can be negotiated.

What I'm looking for is a Graphic Designer (or any one with the skills) to create me a generic business card that Steemians can add their user name on so they can be easily handed out. Right now most of us have to write down the site name and the address to our own blogs. I want these to replace the need to write things down as well as add that little bit of professionalism.
- 3.5 inch x 2 inch size
- Must have a Steemit logo on it (you can use artistic license on which one)
- Must have steemit.com on it
- Must have a steemit.com@/ line where users can put their their own user names into later
- on the back put: "Steem work makes the Dream work."
- be a jpg or pdf file (including photoshop or other layered files too would be great)
I'm willing to give a lot of artistic license outside of these requirements on layout, coloring (probably still good to be based around the Steemit colors), bordering, fonts (as long as they're readable) etc...
If interested feel free to contact me by leaving a comment here or send me a direct message in steemit.chat or discord (my name is the same in these.)
I'm stoked to be able to higher a Steemian for this job! I had a time frame of about 2 weeks in mind, but I'm somewhat flexible on this if you feel it would take longer.
[NOTE: I'm not a designer myself, so feel free to make suggestions.]
[UPDATE: There's already been a big response to this. I'm new to putting out #steemgigs, so hadn't thought there'd be so many wanting to do this. I hate making people do extra work when it can be avoided. If you are able to do a quick, rough mockup it'd help me find the ones I'm looking for, without having to put in all the hours first. But I've got to go to work right now and will be back this evening to follow up with this.]

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