Put Your Best Footer Forward (#Steemgigs for Steemgiggers)


Making a clickable & linkable footer for Steemgiggers!

Ever wanted to place a footer on your blog post that links to your other social media sites?

I'm offering that to you now! They're not simple links, not a simple footer. This is gonna be your best footer yet!

Why? It's clickable. It's linkable. The best part is it can be yours!

Steemgiggers Edition!

Steemgigger Open Bracket.png@deveereiSteemgigger Close Bracket.png
icons8-Down Right-24 (1).png

Steemgigger Open Bracket.png@deveereiSteemgigger Close Bracket.png
icons8-Down Right-24 (1).png

Presenting a footer that does a lot:

  • It announces that you're a Steemgigger.
  • It links to your account.
  • It's properly (but subtlety) credited for icon usage, no plagiarism here.
  • It has cool-looking icons.
  • It's customizable.
  • It's perfect for your needs!

icons8-Archive Folder-96.png

What does this package include?

  • A zipped folder that contains everything.
  • The basic codes.
  • The icon sets.
  • Extra icons for other sites.
  • A tutorial for customizing it on your own.

Why Us Male_96px.png

What if I can't customize it or I can't follow the tutorial?

  • That's easy, just message me directly on Discord (Username: deveerei) and I will customize it fit for your needs!

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Does it break the bank? How much does it cost?

  • It won't. It's pretty cheap considering it's convenient to use.
  • The basic package will cost 2 Steem (comes in 1 color and 1 set of extra icons to use).
  • The advanced package will cost 6 Steem (comes in 5 colors and 3 sets of extra icons to use).
  • The premium package will cost 15 Steem (comes in 2 designs, 10 colors each and 5 sets of extra icons to use).
  • Codes edit requests costs an additional 1 Steem.
  • Additional customization charges will depend on complexity.
  • Any changes on pricing will be posted (if there will be any).


When can I order & how soon will I get it?

  • You can start ordering now.
  • Order fulfillment will start Monday evening (EST) onwards on a best efforts basis.


This is great! I want it! How can I order?!

  • Just send in the payment via Steem Transfer.
  • Add your order on the memo (Basic/Advanced/Premium).
  • Add your public e-mail on the memo where I can send you the package.


This is how it looks like if it's placed on the center using the "center" codes. Note:
This is the only one compatible with mobile.

Steemgigger Open Bracket.png@deveereiSteemgigger Close Bracket.png
icons8-Down Right-24 (1).png

This is how it looks like if it's placed on the right side using the "pull-right" codes.

This is how it looks like if it's placed on the left side using the "pull-left" codes.

Icon Choices

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Want to know more about the extra icons and the other design? Just chat me on Discord: deveerei.

If you're not a Steemgigger that's alright. Take a look out for my next post "Put Your Best Footer Forward (#Steemgigs for Steemians!)".

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Views, comments, orders, upvotes, resteems, and follows if you've liked what you've read are greatly appreciated!

Proceeds help me pay for my baby's vaccines.


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