STEEM GIG - Hiring Graphic Designer To Create 10 Simple Images for eBook

Hey Steem,

This gig is part of the Musician’s Guide to Steemit project.

We’re creating a one-chapter eBook, adapted from chapter five of the full book, as a proof-of-concept for the guide. This project will be just like a real book release: Professionally written, edited, laid out, designed, and marketed including paid advertising.

Job Description

You will create ten original images based on pre-determined prompts to be used for the eBook. These images should be professional quality, and the right person for this job can create a good image in about 1-2 hours.

This Gig Pays: 12.5 Steem + 12.5 SBD (approximately $100 USD value)

How to Apply

If you do not follow the instructions properly you are immediately disqualified from this gig.

All applications (and questions) should occur in the comments of this post. No private messages or other means of submitting please.

Please embed one image you have made in the past, in your comment on this post. The image should be visible from the post page, with no additional website clicks needed. Only one image is necessary, although you can submit up to 3 if you prefer.

Very Important: Do not create new artwork for your submission. Past work (at least one week old) is the only thing allowed for submissions.

Include the word “Cantaloupe” in your application somewhere to prove that you read these rules. No need to be fancy, you can just leave the word by itself at the top/bottom of the post :-)

You must include information on where to contact you - Steem Chat, Discord, somewhere else? Please tell me!

All rule-abiding applications will receive a 25% upvote from me (nothing crazy, about $0.20) at my discretion.

Hiring ASAP Starting in 48 Hours

There is an open 48 hour application window. After 48 hours from this post, I will be contacting potential hires immediately.

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