The Old Dog: Shines The Spotlight on @ionlysaymeep a True Steemit Enigma! Post Contains a 50 SBD Steemgig!

Are You Not Sure What To Write About? Do you Struggle When Making Comments?

No Problem... Just Say Meep!

That's what @ionlysaymeep does! He really lives up to his name because ever since he burst onto the scene 10 months ago all he has ever written is "meep!"

Don't Believe Me? Let's Investigate!

Here's his blog page: Notice that his description reads: I only say: meep His location is also: meep! Every post is entitled meep!

Now, I challenge you: Head over to this list of his comments! Did you see? They all say meep! Do you believe me now?

Is "I Only Say Meep's" Tactic Successful?

Yes and no! While he does amazingly have 194 followers he has made over 1,900 posts and his wallet is only worth $18.29. I for one though, define success as sticking with something, not giving up! Judged that way, this meep dude is a stunning success!

What Would Possess someone to Only Say Meep?

  • It's funny? True, but as a practical joke surely it will eventually become stale!
  • He/she is conducting a social experiment? Hmm that may well be. Perhaps the joke is on us.
  • He/she gets a kick out of us responding to his comments only to get another meep in reply!
  • There are deeper psychological forces at play here?

 It's Time To Intervene! Let's Help This Steemer to Break Free!

50 SBD To The First Member To Get @ionlysaymeep to Post something Else!

Contest Rules!

  • This bounty will remain open until this post pays out. Seven days!
  • @ionlysaymeep is also eligible if he creates a post in which he writes something other than meep!
  • If you can get him to change his "strange ways" make sure to post proof here. The first to do so gets 50 SBD!

It Won't be Easy! Take a Look at These Steemers Trying on His Latest Post!

No matter what you write @ionlysaymeep only says meep!

What Do You Think?

  • Will someone win the 50 SBD?
  • Will @ionlysaymeep break out of his shell with the lure of 50 SBD?
  • Have you come across any other enigmatic Steemit members?

I hope that you enjoyed getting to know an enigmatic steemer, @ionlysaymeep!

Until next time,

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

Remember, I reward the best comment(s) on each of my posts with my "The Old Dog is Throwing You a Bone" program! So please re-steem and follow so that we can spread the wealth!     

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