Looking for English Writers for Website Content

Okay, I am taking another approach to the Steemgigs opportunity. I have a couple of websites - one is doing well, the other not so much. I am looking for help with the "not so much" one. The link is below for interested parties to check out the content already posted and let me know if this is something you would be interested in joining.



The content window is pretty much wide open. Games, tech, Bitcon and crypto, movies, TV, whatever brings in the traffic is game (just can't be against advertising rules and regulations).

I am making this offer as a last ditch effort for the site. It is reeling from a plagiarism attack that a previous member perpetuated on it (it cost me dearly with Google search traffic and AdSense). I am attempting to turn the site around a bit here. You will probably notice, there are no ads on the site. That is because AdSense was paying about $0.05 per thousand views before I finally just canceled the ads on the site. At a nickel per thousand it is a case of annoying fans for nothing. Ads may make a comeback later but for now, the site will not have them. At least till it is able to turn around.

What I need is writers. I run a public relations company and have most of my time sucked away to do that work. I can safely say, writers that come on board with my site(s) are the first to get offered the much better paying PR gigs that come along regularly. I use the sites to separate the quality writers from the "talkers" that cannot back their claims up.

So, what I need to know now is, who is interested and what are your rates? I am not asking people to cut their own throats to get in on this offer, just honest answers to what you would need to write articles under the following guidelines:

300 words minimum
One related picture (sized 600x300 pixels maximum for the preview window)
Longer articles would need another related picture, or Youtube video to break up the text a bit (makes it easier to keep readers attention)
A source link
Related information (rating, stores carrying it, publisher/developer, etc if a game)
No profanity (eventually I will pursue AdSense or another ad network and they all pretty much have no profanity clauses now)

I do have it setup to where writers can fill in their BIO that appears at the end of each article they write. This can be whatever you want. Link back to your Steemit account, link to your Patreon, Paypal, Bitcoin, whatever donation links, etc.

I can pay in Bitcoin, Steem, Ethereum and Paypal (Paypal is the quickest for me as I keep a regular level of money in there from my PR work). Pay is made upon publishing of work. I just need to know rates and see some samples to get this ball rolling.

Now who wants to earn some money?

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1 column