Understanding your Steemit wallet & Powering up

This is brief explanation of our Steemit wallet which i hope will make understanding your wallet simpler,

Wallet Overview

Lets start with the Wallet itself and explain the 3 types of Steem

  • Steem
  • Steem power
  • SBD - Steem backed dollars

Here is a snapshot of my wallet from just before, i broke it up by having some different coloured boxes


The blue area is your Steem, but in this form its liquid which means you can transfer to another account or trade it on the internal market or power it up to Steem power

The green area shows your Steem power which is locked up, think of it as investing in Steemit inc & you.
To make this liquid again you will need to power down which takes 4 weeks. Having more Steem power allows you to comment and perform transactions like posting but also increases your stake overall.
holding steem in this form will help your account & influence grow

The yellow area represents your SBD - Steem backed dollars which can be traded for Steem on our internal market, or transfer to another user etc.

You will see i have placed some pink boxes to the right which show the drop down boxes you need to click to perform some of the above transactions.

Lets do a Power Up!

As you can see in my wallet i have 87.186 steem which if we remember above it's in a liquid form, i want to Power that Steem up so i can continue to build my own Steem power!

first click on the drop down box and scroll down and choose "Power Up"
Next this screen will ask you how much of the liquid steem you want to power up? The red highlighted box shows how much liquid steem i have and the bluebox is the amount i input to Power Up
i am powering the whole lot so i just click that and press the Power up button
After a couple of seconds it should show your Steem power has increased

i hope you have better understanding of your Steemit wallet :)

This guide is for the Steem blockchain :)

Please join us on July 1st for our Monthly Steem power up day where you could win some awesome prizes!


I am @kiwiscanfly


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