Update to STEEM Full RPC Node + Roadmap


Update to Full RPC Node Configuration (https://rpc.steemliberator.com)

I started out with imposing a pretty basic limitation on network requests made to the server. The method I used was the limit_req_zone rate limiting module of Nginx.

At first, I wanted to ensure the Node didn't get crippled from an overload of network requests, but, the past 3 days have shown that I can loosen the restrictions up a bit.

Network In (bytes)

Screen Shot 2017-08-07 at 5.30.54 PM.png

Network Out (bytes)

Screen Shot 2017-08-07 at 5.31.15 PM.png

As you can see from the last 3 days of data, there are periods of times where the network activity is higher than others. However, the traffic is fairly reasonable at this point.

Because of this, the RPC node will allow more requests per second (up to 20r/s), and more burst requests (up to 1000). This has made my personal sites that rely on the RPC node CONSIDERABLY faster and more responsive. Hopefully other users will notice the same benefit.

Remember, the more features I add and restrictions I remove, the more the overhead and operational costs will be. Please help support me by voting for @netuoso as STEEM Witness.


I am working on developing a NGINX plugin or module that will inspect JSON traffic and route connections to defined servers based on a configuration file. Hopefully this will help buy STEEM some time while a true scaling option is worked on. Remember that STEEM is brand new as far as cryptocurrency and technology goes and, thus, will require commitment from the community to ensure its success.

Vote for @netuoso as Witness

  • Go to the witness voting page on SteemIt.com
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page
  • Click the upvote next to netuoso
  • Give yourself a highfive for making such an awesome decision!

Big Thanks To All My Supporters

And especially to @reggaemuffin and @buildteam for backing my decision to host this RPC node for the community.

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