Steemit Addiction: Destructive or a means to success?

Have you ever dreamt of steemit while sleeping, forgot to brush your teeth or eat while on steemit, rush to your computer when you wake up just to log in on steemit, checking out steemit posts / your posts on steemit while watching TV , forgotten about your face book, Linkedin and other social media friends / page,   stealing out holiday time just to login on steemit,  discussing or thinking of steemit when you are with your partner  and even checking out your steemit  posts while taking care of your business in toilet? If these are true of you then you are addicted. 


We all know that social media addiction (mobile phones and video games ) is  not good for our wellbeing just like intake of excessive alcohol and cigarettes. 

Steemit, for example, is a social media platform and surely can cause addiction due to a lot of goodies in it. This has led, in extreme cases to some members, posting 6 to 8  times daily (pictures of babies, flowers , food , cat, frog, insects , rat -in fact anything) and spend almost 15 hours daily on steemit . Moreover, this issue has led to some negative effects:


  • Sleep deprivation : For me, steemit is the best social media platform that rewards people financially. However this rewards , in extreme cases has caused sleepless nights especially after posting a fresh article , waking up in the middle of the night to check if your post has earned big money and even dreaming about it sometimes and screaming in your dreams.
  • Relationship issues: not spending quality time with your family can lead to relationship issues especially if you have children. This also relates to less time with friends which can have a negative effects.
  • Health issue: in extreme case, this can lead to negative effect to your health due to lack of outdoor activities especially if you spend all your time on steemit and forget to eat and brush your teeth.

All these above issues are true of addiction, however steemit is not the problem and thus should not be blamed; we as users should use the platform prudently in order to have time for other activities.

                                                           Some helpful Tips : 

  • Admitting It: we all are addicted to something, therefore admitting the truth to yourself and finding solution is a good thing. Some steemans eg @macksby , @sterlinluxan and @soldier (to mention just few) have written about the issue of addiction including about being addicted to steemit platform examples are  @walkingkeys , @fireriseace , @pairmike , @steemspoker , @ben.zimmerman . Therefore, admitting and  talking about the issue is helpful and thus will lead to finding a pragmatic solution.
  • Take a break: Try to go on a holiday and if possible, delegate your steem power out to those who will use it wisely.
  • Ask for help: If you consistently scream about steemit and dream of steemit even when you are making love or in the toilet, then you better meet a psychologist who specializes on social media addiction.

Conclusion: Steemit (in my view) is the best social media platform with a lot of goodies. However, we can be addicted to the platform just like any other technological gadgets (mobile phone, TV , Video game) .Admitting this reality and finding a prudent solution will be helpful for all of us in the long run.

What do you guys think?

• I am not addicted to  steemit 

• I am addicted to steemit and Love it-I do not care

• I am addicted to steemit and need help

• Shut up @charles1, you are talking nonsense.. ......steemit addiction is sooooooooooooooo sweet!!!!

Send in your comment, please resteem this for others to join and up vote to send your support.

Feel free to see my other post on Delegating Steem Power: Destructive power or a means to doing good. 

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