How The Winners for @steemit-health Activities are Chosen Based On a Public Lottery Number - Updated Version!

Every @steemit-health lottery-style post will link to this information for simple verification

The winning participant(s) is selected based on a 2 digit 'Random Number' derived from a daily public lottery number

'Random Number' = OLG Pick-2 MIDDAY Draw (which happens daily at 2pm eastern time or 7pm UTC)

It can be found at this link:

and looks like this:

Screen Shot 2017-06-15 at 9.58.09 PM.png

Rules For How The 'Random Number' Is Used To Select The Winner

  • The winning number will be derived from the MIDDAY Draw that immediately follows the post's payout (7 days after posting). So in the example picture above, 85 would be the 'Random Number' used to select the winner from the June 7 "Daily Health Score" post.

  • The qualifying comments are counted in the order that they appear immediately following the post's payout, starting with the top comment as #1 and looping through the comments from top to bottom as many times as necessary until the 'Random Number' is reached.

  • If the number of participant exceeds 100, then an additional winner will be chosen provided that the next block of 100 participants is greater than the 'Random Number'. This pattern repeats for every block of 100 participants that follows. The total reward will be divided evenly between all the winners of each post.

  • The winner(s) is(are) determined according to the account(s) upon which the 'Random Number' lands.

  • All liquid funds collected from each post - equivalent to the amount of Steem Power the post received - will be paid out to the winner(s) in STEEM

  • The number 00 will be counted as 100

Example: (based on the June 7th Daily Health Score and the random number 85)

Screen Shot 2017-06-15 at 10.05.32 PM.png

Screen Shot 2017-06-15 at 10.05.59 PM.png

Screen Shot 2017-06-15 at 10.06.13 PM.png

Screen Shot 2017-06-15 at 10.06.27 PM.png

Screen Shot 2017-06-15 at 10.06.40 PM.png

Screen Shot 2017-06-15 at 10.06.56 PM.png

Showing 91 participants. The Random Number (85) landed on the 7th participant from the bottom. Congratulation in this example to @igsamuel!

Which Comments Will Be Considered Valid and Counted?

  • Only comments containing a health score of 0-5 will be included in the count.

  • If a participant enters more than one answer, then the STEEM will be awarded to the next participant down.

  • If a participant declines the award, then the STEEM will be awarded to the next participant down. (ie. @dan-atstarlite will always decline the award since he is running the Daily Health Score)

  • If @steemit-health believes you may be a bot, we reserve the right to reward the next participant down. A human verification test may be presented to any participant before payout is awarded.

Follow @steemit-health and participate in healthy activities everyday for a chance to win STEEM!

All funds received from this post will be powered up!

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