Getting NOTICED on crowded Steemit

My thoughts on Steemit posting strategy

In the last couple days, I noticed how quite some people struggled to get noticed here on Steemit.

So in this post, I thought I would share some of my ideas on how that could be improved.

I am by no means an expert and those are only ideas and some observations I made.

Well, a couple things first.

I’ve seen some people complain that they worked hard and didn’t receive the velvet glove treatment they hoped to see.

Nobody cares about how much time and effort you put in your post or whether or not you think that it’s the best post ever created in the history of mankind.

That might sound harsh but it is the truth. The market gets to decide what’s worthy. Maybe you’re writing about very niche specific topics in which case you should probably hang in there a little longer until even more people get on Steemit.

Maybe those posts aren’t that great after all. I mean I’m sure I will come back laughing at my own posts further down the line.

There are no immediate results promised and the opportunity of Steemit is in itself already amazing enough.

Take action and stay consistent and with improvement over time you will get what you desire.

The rate of spam has also increased and so people are skeptical to even bother reading all of the posts. Of course this presents a problem but it should get better.

Now with that out the way I want to share some ideas with you on how I think you can still get some recognition.

First up we have the clickbaiting title and image. Should you use an all caps, eye catching title?

Of course you should always use the most appealing picture that is still related to your topic and you should also give the reader a reason to click on your post.

Hence, using an interesting title and image is crucial. How clickbaity you want to create the thing is up to you but you don’t want to be remembered as the guy or gal who overpromised and underdelivered. That is just going to hurt your reputation.

Secondly comes timing.

There are obviously times when there are more people actively reading and interacting on Steemit.

A guess of mine is that currently most users are from the US, so posting after they finished their workday seems like a thing you could try out.

But you could also use times when there are less people active putting your post longer in the “New” section so this way more people might see it and actually read it because there’s not a lot of action.

Purely speculation of course but worth testing.

The next point is quite important.

If you continuously write good content and engage with other users, the exposure will come.

As with every other social media platform, making a name for yourself is key.

Comment, upvote and get your name out there so people get a familiar “face”.

Eventually one of the bigger accounts on Steemit will update his/her “10 more underrated writers on Steemit” or something and might put your name on there.

Interacting with other users and maybe partnering up with people, who face the same problems as you do and also write quality content, has and always will be a good strategy to grow an online presence.

This goes hand in hand with the feature of “following” writers.

My guess is that in the near future Steemit will work on this feature so that we see posts of people we follow first which creates a massive opportunity for the people whose posts would otherwise be lost in the depths of some category.

So if you build a good reputation and people decide to follow your posts you will get more exposure in the future as those things will be implemented. (I think they will? That’s they point of “following” people in the first place isn’t it?)

Another thing you could do is appeal to the interest of the people whose upvotes would help you the most, which, for now is getting attention from other users by having your posts “approved” from those whales.

Meaning if some of the big accounts upvote your post other people are more likely to see it.

So you would figure out a way to catch their interest. Maybe write about stuff that could interest them and then take it from there.

Steemit is not like parenting where the one screaming the loudest gets all the attention until he is satisfied.

Here you can scream all you want and have your post disappear before anybody even reads it.

So you need some kind of strategy.

Be tactical about it.

You don’t have to sacrifice yourself (NO WAY!!!) and only write about what other people could find interesting. Write about whatever you want and stay consistent with it.

To sum this up I would say that you need to build a reputation first.

Engaging is one way, but putting thoughts into your pictures, headlines and the time you post can also help.

I hope you can get something out of this post.

Stay awesome!

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