Active Steemit GitHub Issues - ( Development Updates)

One of the developers recommended that I create a post to summarize some of the potential changes that are being discussed on GitHub, so the rest of the community can get a glimpse into what they are doing.

These are changes are being considered as well as being worked on. There is no guarantee that all of these will actually be implemented and put up on to the site! It does give you a good idea of what they are up to though :)

Related Posts

In GitHub Issue 66, they are planning to add a "Related Posts" feature, so that when you are viewing a post - the site will automatically recommend other posts that you might be interested in. The current design is to use the "hot" posts within the same category as the post being viewed.


GitHub Issue 72 is where they are discussing the addition of Notifications. They have acknowledged that this is part of their road-map, although indicated that it will take some time to implement.

WeChat Signup

WeChat signup would allow most Chinese users to create a account using their WeChat account. (This is similar to what they allow for Facebook/Reddit.) GitHub Issue 86 is where this is being discussed. The hold-up right now is to try and figure out if there is a good enforcement mechanism to prevent bot registration.

See All Tags

Currently the "Explore" page only shows the top tags. A lot of users would like to be able to see all tags. GitHub Issue 115 is where this is being discussed, and it looks like they are planning to implement it.

User Profiles

GitHub Issue 118 is where they are discussing the addition of user profiles (bio line, url, etc.). There have been a few updates to this within the past week, so maybe it is something they are planning to do soon :)

Posting Rules Guide

I am not 100% sure what GitHub Issue 153 will do, but it is going to add some type of help guide / dialog when people post, to help clarify the rules. The change has already been committed, so we should expect something related to this to show up soon!

Medium-like Editor Integration

In GitHub Issue 185, the developers are talking about changes to the post editor. This would be a very useful change if they were able to make posting easier!

Flag / Downvote Changes

Changes to flagging/downvotes are being discussed in GitHub Issue 215. This issue is still in the discussion / design phase, so nothing is decided yet. The community and dev team are still trying to decide on the correct way to change things.

Savings Account

They are planning to add GUI support for transfers in and out of the savings account in GitHub Issue 223.

Block Button

GitHub Issue 239 is where they are discussing the implementation of 'block' functionality from the Steemit UI. I know this is an important feature for several users. One of the developers assigned this to himself about a week ago, so it looks like there is some progress on this!

Show posts that are paying 100% in SP

This is being worked on in GitHub Issue 261, and it sounds like it will be something they will add soon!

Allow users to create posts with zero payout

This is being worked on in GitHub Issue 262. It sounds like something they are planning to add soon, but they need to make sure it works properly (with no unintended side effects) first.


GitHub Issue 322 is where avatars are being discussed. It sounds like they have a possible solution in mind, but it hasn't been confirmed if it works yet.

Verifications Page

GitHub Issue 355 was opened to add a verifications page using this post from @mynameisbrian as an example. This issue was opened up by @ned himself, so I suspect it will be given high priority :)

Official FAQ

The 'Official FAQ' looks like it is almost ready! @ned opened GitHub Issue 372 to add a link to it from the main menu, so I expect we will be seeing this soon!

These are the main issues that I found with recent activity during my review. Hopefully we will start to see many of these show up soon!

Stay tuned :)

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