'Steemit Iron Chef 2017 #04 : Zucchini Cream-Soup with Zucchini Noodles And Cashews'

So it's time for round four of great competition Steemit Iron Chef. In this round main ingredient is Zucchinii. When I read opening post with this ingredient, my first thought was "Cream from Zucchini". I remember this such a flavour soup from my childhood, when my mom made this for me and my siblings. She made this especially in summer, when it's season for this great veggie. I also rember pancakes from zucchini made by my grandma. With big amount of dill that dish was very deliocious and ideal for early days of autumn. Mmmm! My mouth's watering from thinking about that pancakes! For sure I'll post recipe for that. πŸ™‚

I love every kind of soup, so my intuition told me "BASIA, DO SOME CREAM SOUP!"
So I said "okay, fine, I will do cream soup, you convinced me" and ofcourse I made this soup with me in mind. Hihihi πŸ˜‚πŸ™ƒAnd because I also love experiments in the kitchen I added handful of cashews. Damn son! That exceeded all my expectations! I can't describe that taste, but that was something really Wow!
"But how I can decorated my soup?" Thanks God I found in my home the best invention in the history of kitchen. Machine for veggie noodles! πŸ™‰ Thanks mommy technology for that! 😍 This little baby can do noodles from veggies like spaghetti and many more! So I think it's other but better way to make delicious noodles. 😊

For preparing cream-soup you will need:

  • three big zucchini
  • one litre of veggie stock
  • handfull of cashews
  • parsley
  • dill
  • two potatoes
  • one little carrot
  • two little onion (or one bigger)
  • two garlic cloves
  • two tbsp of rapseeds oil
  • salt&pepper
  • lemon juice
    On top:
  • chopped parsley
  • a few cashews
  • zucchini noodles (optionally - you can do this if you have machine for that)


  • first toast a bit cashews on dry pan, till nice colour and flavour
  • into pot add oil and onion, fry it a bit
  • add chopped vegetables (beside garlic) and veggie stock, boil it for 20-25 minutes
  • after that time add cashews, garlic cloves and blend it together
  • add lemon juice, salt&pepper for the taste (as many as you want! :))
  • on plate add first soup, next noodles (boiled in salty water), more soup, cashews on top and parsley

Super easy but extraordinary recipe for cream-soup. This is what I really like! And how delicious! I'm back to my childhood now! πŸ˜†I hope that you also enjoyed my recipe. You can let me know in comments what you think!
Big hugs from me guys ! ❀️❀️


If you have time, you can check my first entry for #3 round of Steemit Iron Chef here! Enjoy!πŸ˜‰

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