STEEMIT IRON CHEF #01 - Contest Now Open - 25 SBD to win this week + Grand Reward pool already at 53 SBD and growing each day!!!

Steemit Iron Chef 2017.jpg

The long wait is finally over my dear food lovers and Steemit chefs!

I'm so thrilled to kick start Steemit Iron Chef 2017 today as promised! I'm looking forward to the maximum participation from all those 40 awesome foodies who showed interest to join! Well I hope to see some new joining too!

What is Steemit Iron Chef ???

It is a contest which will be run each week till the end of year, and the theme will be based on a single different product each week.
The participants have to sublimate that particular product in either a starter/main/dessert!
There will be prizes for the top 3 each week .

1st prize : 12SBD
2nd prize : 8SBD
3rd prize : 5SBD

Well it does not stop here...
The Steemit Iron Chef is not just about one week participation!!!
All participants will be awarded with points on top of their weekly winning prizes :
1 point for entering a valid entry
3 points for the 3rd prize
5 points for the 2nd prize
10 points for the one coming first

All these points will be calculated on a weekly basis till the end of the year...

The one with the highest point at the end of year 2017 will be crowned Steemit Iron Chef 2017 and will hold this honor till next year!
Same as a league!

Wait... there is more SBD to be shared with you all...
Well guys , I have created another account, @steemit-ironchef (It's live and already receiving contributions!!!) acting like a donation wallet!
All the SBD received/earned will stay there till we complete the year 2017!
The total SBD up to now is actually at 53SBD and growing everyday...The minimum it will be at end of year 2017 is SBD173!!!

The one who tops the league at end of year wins 25% of the pool.
2nd place will receive 15% of the total SBD.
3rd place will receive 10% of the total SBD.
4th-10th place will receive 3% each of the total SBD.
11th-20th place will receive 1% each of the total SBD.

The remaining SBD will be used for some special awards that will be announced!

Here is the list of contestants having shown interest to join! You will notice both me and my wife @creativewoman are marked zero point as we both can't participate for this one as I will be the judge of the contest!

Check @steemit-ironchef for more info!


So without losing too much time let's get into the theme of this week and the general rules!!!

The product for this first week contest is...


All you have to do is simply sublimate this wonderful product, which is ever-present in practically all the kitchens around the world!
Before anyone asks, let me clarify that you can use any variety of tomato you wish! Cherry, Beefsteak, Green Zebra, Roma, San Marzano, Black Krim, Yellow pear...and the list goes on.


As in any contest, we need to set some rules to get things going in the right direction!

  • Create a post and title your entry 'Steemit Iron Chef 2017 #01 : Name of your dish'
  • Make either a starter or main course or dessert with the product of the week.
  • Only one entry per person is allowed.
  • Make sure to use #steemit-ironchef as your first tag, so that I don't miss your entry!
  • Only new recipes will be accepted, so I need at least one photo with your name and date on it.
  • I don't need to see your step by step preparations/recipes, just make the list of the products used, describe your dish and add some photos to get my attention! Make it sweet and simple!!!
  • Post a link of your entry here on this post and also share your entry on our discord channel -
  • The DEADLINE for submission is NO LATER than Thursday at 10:00am UTC.
  • Any participant not following these simple rules will be considered a non validate entry.
  • Be the most creative , inventive and refined possible, you'll win a lot of points...

Winners will be announced every Saturday!!!

How entries will be marked???

For you guys to get an idea of how I will judge the entries, here is my marking sheet that I will use for each entries!
Please note that I will be the only one judging all the entries based on my 15 years career as Chef.

This is an example of a plate I did some years back where I sublimated tomato!
I used green tomato for this one, pureed and jelly with some nice oysters!
This is just to give you an idea of what i'm looking for in your entries!


All those participating, please do follow @steemit-ironchef too, you will find most of the info there!
By participating in Steemit Iron Chef, you give me the right to use your food photos for public announcement should you be amongst the winners!

The SBD made on all my posts moving forward will be used for sponsoring the Steemit Iron Chef 2017!

Anyone wishing to grow the prizes and be a sponsor of this unique contest, please do let me know! You are most welcomed!

And last but not least, big thanks to @canadian-coconut, @donkeypong and @cryptoctopus for the amazing support given to me the last days, without you guys this contest would not start at all!


Good luck everyone! If you need any more info just ask me here or on the discord channel of Steemit Iron Chef!!!

Thank you!


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