STEEMIT IRON CHEF 2018 Act 01 Round 08 : Contest now OPEN!!! Join to win amazing prizes!!! SBDs, Voiceshares, Trophy Tokens and Skillcoins to be won! Discover the theme inside!!

Greetings lovely people of the world of Steemit!

Friday is here and as usual it's time for me to kick off another round of Steemit Iron Chef! Can you believe it...we are already midway through the first Act of the contest...time is really flying my friends!!!

Yes my dear foodies, I am here today to reveal the product that all the contestants of Steemit Iron Chef are eagerly waiting to discover for the 8th Round of Act 1!

But before that, let me thank everyone who entered in the 7th round which ended with 18 entries received, this is the number I last counted...If more entries come up before I complete my judging, for sure I will take them into consideration!

I've already started the judging process and the results should be out earlier this time - Stay tuned for that!

After the vegetable theme of the 7th round, this time our contestants will have a very famous fruit to work on...GRAPES!!!

I am so excited to discover how they will elevate this fruit in their dish!!!



Are our contestants going to make a dessert with them or surprise me with a starter or make an amazing main course with them!??? Hmmm let's wait and see!

Before anyone asks, let me clarify and confirm that you may use any varieties of grapes you wish to...Red, blue, white, rose, table grapes or wine ones, dried or fresh...the lists is soooo long...use any one you wish and which is available in your region! Hmmm surprise us and make either a starter, or a main course or a dessert based with grapes!

The rules and regulations have been updated for this new season and here is what is needed to have a valid entry in the contest.

Please make sure to respect all rules to have your entry validated!

  • Create a post and title your entry 'Steemit Iron Chef 2018 Act 01 Round 08 : Name of your dish'
  • Make either a starter or main course or dessert with the product of the week.
  • Two entries per person are allowed.
  • Make sure to use #steemit-ironchef tag in any order you wish, so that I don't miss your entry!
  • Only new recipes will be accepted, so I need at least one photo with your name and date on it.
  • I don't need to see your step by step preparations/recipes, just make the list of the products used, describe your dish and add some photos to get my attention! Make it sweet and simple!!!
  • Post a link of your entry here on this post (Very Important to do, so that I don't miss your entry) and also share your entry on our discord channel - to get some more support from the awesome foodies there!
  • Any participant not following these simple rules will be considered a non validated entry.

Be the most creative , inventive and refined possible, you'll win a lot of points...
The DEADLINE to submit your entries will be Friday 9th March 2018 once round 9 is announced!

By participating in Steemit Iron Chef, you give me the right to use your food photos for public announcement!


As usual, different prizes consisting of SBD, Voiceshares, Skillcoins and Trophy Tokens are shared to the winners each week!

Check out the below table to see who wins what and how much!!!
Should you need any more information, just let me know in the comments sections below!

To receive the tokens like Voiceshares, Skillcoins and Trophy Tokens, you have to open an account on bitshares openledger and let me know your address!

There's a lot of weekly winners who unfortunately haven't given me their address...too bad my are missing out some nice rewards!


The SBD made on my posts are used for sponsoring the Steemit Iron Chef 2018 contest! This is the only way I manage to gather the necessary SBDs that are shared to the top 7 each week!
Anyone wishing to grow the prizes and be a sponsor of this unique contest, please do let me know!
Would be great if any of you could sponsor some additional prizes and make the contest even bigger!!!
I am open to ideas!


Usual big thanks to @canadian-coconut, @donkeypong , @trophytokens , @voiceshares, @sjennon and @bambam808 for the amazing support to Steemit Iron Chef! Without you people, this contest would not be the same!

Big thank you to all the contestants as well...without you the contest would not even exist!!!


Bring on the GRAPES!!!

If you need any more info just ask me here or on the discord channel of Steemit Iron Chef!!!

Thank you!

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