Steemit Iron Chef 2017 #04 : A different kind of Ratatouille

This is my first time to contribute to the #steemit-ironchef challenge. I am very curious how everything works out. But anyway it inspired me to make a delicious and also beautiful dish for yesterday's dinner. My mom asked "Artwork?" when I sent her a photo and the hubby kissed my hands afterwards. He said it was a feast for the mouth and the eyes. So what else do I want? I got an amazing award already. 😊

These are the things I used:

Green and yellow zucchini, an eggplant, tomatoes, thyme, olive oil and seasalt and pepper for the veggies part ...

... and one block of tofu, one onion, garlic, chopped green olives, tomato paste, herbs and spices, some miso paste to add the umami flavor, seasalt and some vegetable oil for the sauce.

That is the result after preparing everything and before baking.

And thats how it looked like after it came out of the ofen - a hot and steamy deliciousness.

I served it with couscous and here you can see what happened to it after we attacked it with our forks and spoons ... 😋 

(I almost forgot to add the date and name! That's another reason for this photo ... 🙃)

Thank you @progressivechef for this fantastic challenge! It was much fun to take part! 👩🏼‍🍳

🍽 If anybody has questions how to join this contest, here are the rules again. Does anybody would like to get the complete recipe? I offer to post the step by step preparation if needed. This would be a pleasure to me. ☀️ 

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