Our next dance music event (Psychedelic-Trance) - Some Steemit love! And some thoughts about the future..

How's it going, Steemers?

Just spent 150 Steem Dollars (SBDs) producing this short promo video for our next dance event on 2nd September 2016 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia! So I have included the Steemit logo in our promotional materials. This Facebook promo video will begin running in 12 hours.

Come over for a party if you're around!

On a positive note -

I've been getting more and more people asking me about Steemit. Been blowing some minds ever since. Personally, I think there are many eyes and minds on Steemit, more than we know. There are people thinking about Steemit, but have yet to make their first move. Because half the world believes in making good first impressions. This phenomenon is one of Steemit's many features.

There may be a ticking timebomb that's gonna blow up the floodgates of social media migration.. who knows? People are thinking about its killer applications during their toilet breaks. I was surprised when my uncle from Singapore asked me about Steemit during lunch today. He doesn't even use Facebook.

Next weekend -

I'm going to have a small meet-up finally helping out some local personalities with their first steps on Steemit (including an eco-minded person - The Greenest Man on Earth! - well, I hope he'll join). I have had a few friends in which I wanted to feature on Steemit before getting them on board, only to get the "ask my PR manager" response. Just feels weird that some people are like corporate products who don't really own themselves.

Moving forward -

Our marketing for Steemit is still at its infancy. The plan is for us to grow together and discover its applications as time goes on. So for now, there isn't any elaborate marketing plans for Steemit on this frontier, and we're figuring it out while using the Steemit logo on our event marketing collateral for exposure (and also tastefully applying the logo on giant LED screens!).

There's a killer app for music content creators and prosumers in Steemit. The shape of something great is there, now all we need is time. Time to figure things out.

Next DJs in our dance music line-up: Aly & Fila

If you haven't read about my dance music event initiative, here's the first one including our Facebook page links and all: @kevinwong/steemit-and-the-dance-music-scene

Follow me @kevinwong

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