📊 Top Level 1 commenters for 20180608, active hours and how their comments looks like (by @ace108)

LAST IMPROVEMENT: Excluded 2 bots

HEADER-Top 20 Commenters

Note: Level 1 commenters are those who leave comment at the first level in reply to a post directly.

Here’s a look are the top level 1 commenters for 20180608. I’ve excluded known bots and curators from this but if anyone has any suggestions, they are most welcome. This serves to inform and you make you own decision whether they are the good, the bad or the ugly. I can only comment once every 20 seconds. Correction: I am only allowed to comment only once every 20 seconds. I type fast and sometimes get that annoying message quite a bit when responding and when I reply on my phone using voice typing, I get that even more. Anyway, 1,000 comments will need at least 333 minutes which is more than 5 and half hours. Hands up those of you who have spent more than 5 hours leaving comments at the first level.

🎶Meanwhile, some music for you to enjoy as you read. This piece is part of Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons, particular the second of the 4 violin concertos, called Summer.
🎶让大家继续读的时候,欣赏一点音乐。这件作品是维瓦尔第的“四季”的一部分 - 4小提琴协奏曲中的第2首,名为“夏天”。
Source | 来源: https://musopen.org/

https://soundcloud.com/alan-chang-563971986/2213-vivaldi-four-concerti-grossi-op8-ii-l-estate-allegro-adagio-presto Source: https://musopen.org/music/2213/antonio-vivaldi/the-four-seasons/ Violin Concerto in G minor, RV 315 'Summer' - Complete Concerto

Top 20 level 1 commenters and their active hours for 20180608

This shows the top 20 level 1 commenters and the number of level 1 comments posted at different hours of the day.

Top 20 Active

A look at some of their comments

First 28 characters...

This is a list of comments from the above users which looks at the first 28 characters as similar comments and list of these similar comments that has occurred 10 or more times (ignoring those less than 10 times).

Commenter First 28 characters Count

Go here https://steemit.com/ ... 717

Hello welcome, I invite you ... 56

Hello, I invite you to join ... 15

I am so happy that you are h ... 46

Curated for #informationwar ... 62

Removed vote because of plag ... 13

Hi! I started today too :) G ... 35

Hi! I started today too :) I ... 11

We ... 23

There is some issues with yo ... 234

[banner-steemit-comment-li ... 78

Thank you for posting on Ste ... 41

## congrats you are **[verif ... 35

Nice to see you and I Upvote ... 75

Hi, Passing by and Upvoted y ... 19

Middle 28 characters...

This is a list of comments from the above users which looks at the middle 28 characters as similar comments and list of these similar comments that has occurred 10 or more times (ignoring those less than 10 times).

Commenter Middle 28 characters Count

.... @a-a-a to get your post rest ... 717

.... leadership, poetry, music, c ... 38

.... in addition to give classes ... 13

.... ership, poetry, music, cryto ... 10

.... in. They will stay with you ... 18

.... oin. They will stay with you ... 15

.... r can join. They will stay w ... 15

.... can join. They will stay wi ... 14

.... join. They will stay with y ... 13

.... an join. They will stay with ... 13

.... comer can join. They will st ... 13

.... n join. They will stay with ... 13

.... wcomer can join. They will s ... 13

.... er can join. They will stay ... 12

.... ewcomer can join. They will ... 12

.... can join. They will stay wit ... 11

.... mer can join. They will stay ... 10

.... and we will teach and suppo ... 19

.... and we will teach and suppor ... 12

.... ver!!! [*Click here to see a ... 21

.... " Informationwar Activists." ... 19

.... moved vote because of plagia ... 13

.... rted today too :) Greetings ... 18

.... ay too :) Greetings from Pol ... 17

.... Earn money just by commenti ... 11

.... Earn money just by commentin ... 11

.... ge script written by [supero ... 120

.... e script written by [superoo ... 113

.... ns and tell us about everyda ... 29

.... pvote in exchange of your do ... 20

.... upvote in exchange of your d ... 18

.... upvote in exchange of your ... 10

.... ied and approved by the Stee ... 15

Last 28 characters...

This is a list of comments from the above users which looks at the last 28 characters as similar comments and list of these similar comments that has occurred 10 or more times (ignoring those less than 10 times).

Commenter Last 28 characters Count

... med to over 72,000 followers 717

... me https://discord.gg/JbGbP8 67

... e https://discord.gg/JbGbP8D 16

... o https://discord.gg/JbGbP8D 11

... e?witness=arcange&approve=1) 29

... nk https://discord.gg/2ZcAxs 325

... e infographic that might hel 39

... Thanks for tasting the eden! 63

... R3cp6jyYG/images%20(22).jpeg 74

... approved it. The hunt is on 39

... php?i=1&trail=informationwar 32

... gz9wVAdPZWmhy7E/iwresized.pn 30

... d vote because of plagiarism 13

... too :) Greetings from Poland 18

... s from Poland! And good luck 17

... oo :) I hope we both get big 10

... nd I am waiing for next ones 18

... hYmG/ALL%20LIVE%20CLASS.jpg) 65

... as Steemit bahasa Indonesia. 38

... komunitas Steemit Indonesia. 31

... Steemit berbahasa Indonesia. 31

... and admiration and you retur 19

... nd I follow you and thank yo 15

... ed support of SteemSilverGol 71

... ata-of-blocktrades-world-cup 234

... 하길 바라며, 보팅을 남기고 갈게요. 행운을 빌어요 78

... .ly/sh-guide) that might hel 41

... lp you get everything sorted 35

... ect, follow for random votes 71

... am. Great job! Happy hunting 36

... "his decision. Happy hunting" 35

... ====> Mokokoma Mokhonoana 60

... ” ====> Ljupka Cvetanova 17

Source of data: steemsql.com

SEPARATOR-Dolphins In on Blue

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SEPARATOR-Dolphins In on Blue

Please see my other posts: @ace108

请看我其他帖: @ace108


I See👀. I Shoot📷. I Steemit♨️.

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