A Huge Thank You To @steemed, @itsascam, @steemroller and All The Whales Who Morphed Me From Wage Slave To Creative Free Woman


As a creative slave and insomniac, I woke up around 3:20 am today, and began to visualize the next Secret Writer story. I'm a little backed up with secrets, and I think I have about 4 waiting in the queue. As I was letting the stream of feelings and images course through my body, I decided to check my smartphone notifications. I had recently been approached by @dercoco who wanted to do an interview with me. I noticed he had written a note in Skype.

We did the entire interview via texting, which is my preferred method anyway. I really don't like being on a camera. But that's not what I want to discuss. I want to talk about a revelation I had today, at the end of the interview.

A few days ago, my friend, @infovore had written an amazing interview with @steemed, a whale who has a total of 3 whale accounts. I was blown away by the interview and I suddenly realized that @steemed very often upvotes my posts. In fact I think all three of his whale accounts upvote my posts. I believe I'm on his "author list".

I was touched by the fact that @steemed views himself as a patron-shepherd for "creative slaves". Wow. Whales have a very tender side, I bet you didn't know that. I had some deep thinking to do after I read the article, but I want you to fully digest this passage from @steemed himself. Full article here


"I'm here for content providers. I like hearing about their successful struggles with adversity, and in somewhat selfish service to my ego, I like to think that my support helps improve their lives. Creative people are by nature slaves to their creativity, and it is important for those who can have an impact to be cognizant of the stresses that unrestrained creativity imposes on artists and authors." -@steemed

@STEEMED JUST DESCRIBED ME! I have "unrestrained creativity" and I'm a CREATIVE SLAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!


Wow, this blew open my f*&5cking mind!

I realized that because of @steemed and other whales (I know there are tons of you and when you get interviewed, I'll know more about you) I have been transformed from a wage slave into a creative free woman. Before I found Steemit, I was working myself to the bone, for PENNIES. I was and am a creative slave. There's no other way to describe myself. Creativity is my lifeblood. Without it, I am lost, dead. It's the original source of energy that we humans have at our disposal, FOR FREE! It's insane when you think about it this way. We all have this limitless supply of creative, expansive and fantastically charged energy swirling around inside ourselves. It doesn't cost one penny to access it!



Back to my gratitude. It was only this morning that I finally began to realize that if @steemed and other whales like him were not here, I would still be stuck as a wage slave and I would not be a free woman. I woke up from my greed-soaked, sex-starved mindset and began to realize that I am lucky, very lucky to be a creator in this time and space in history. At no other time, (with the exception of royal patrons), would it be possible to be a slightly mad creative slave and have patrons who live on the other side of the planet who are not only keeping me alive, but providing me with wealth. This is a dream that I never in my wildest imagination, thought could be possible. And guess, what? I get to pass on that wealth to others, in my own creative and unique ways.

So, to @steemed and all the whales who have transformed my life and are transforming it as I write/type/draw/play, I guess it's really time to say:



I've decided, after 2 1/2 months, against my better judgment to break all my own rules and show a body part as a way to say thank you even more! (All the guys will hate me even more now). Ha ha! But I'm doing this for my own selfish reasons, actually.

This is because I want to somehow mark the end of a cycle: a 7 year-long celibacy cycle that has to come to an end before I totally lose my mind. Yes, you guessed it, it's a self-exploited boob shot. I finally just caved into the pressures of being a female in a male whale-dominated space. Are there any females whales, out of curiosity? If you're a female whale, please speak up right now. I've been asking this same question for weeks now.

I'm now exploiting myself, for the benefit of the whale gaze. But you'll have to wait to see it in @dercoco's post which is coming soon. I'll link to it here when it's out.

I'm a cougar, though, with a preference for either young men or geniuses so I don't really give a f*^%k. I did give two fucks about not exploiting myself yesterday, but today is a different day altogether and I haven't slept much. Breaking my own rules is my "rulez". Hope I don't regret caving in to exploitation pressure tomorrow.

Young girls may be hotter and have perkier breasts than me, may turn you on in a visually fleeting manner but no one can touch my ability to make a fantasy come true. My world is the fantastical. It's either written down or lived. It's all the same to me. To live in a mediocre fashion is death. I don't like death. (Yes, those are my own breasts, I know some idiot will be asking this question.....)

And to pay it forward to the community, spreading wealth, extending freedom and creative energy to all who dare to dream big, I have added tons of whale, dolphin, octopus, squid, orca, sea lion Steemit content photos in my Creative Commons image library that YOU ARE FREE TO USE FOR ANYTHING YOU WANT. Creative Commons no attribution means that you can use my photos for your own Steemit posts, advertising, marketing, whatever. While I would appreciate a shoutout, I am not requiring it. I've wanted to build a creative commons image library for years now, so I'm just going for it. I plan on making it really big and like no other free image library in existence.


This means you can even use my images for your own commercial purposes, if you choose to do so. Here's my Creative Commons image library that you are free to use: https://www.steemimg.com/steemitqueen

Here's a sample of what is in the image library so far:


ps- One of the freakiest things about Steemit is this:

  1. Blue has always been favorite color
  2. I have a very strong connection to the ocean and its creatures (I developed a passion for body surfing and swimming with fish/animals when i lived by the beach in Oceanside, California.)
  3. Everything about Steemit feels right to me. It's like synergy.
  4. Decentralization of power and energy = something worth fighting/loving for.

pss- I don't care if this post gets zero upvotes. I DO care that @steemed and all the other whales have a chance to digest my overwhelming gratitude.

pssss- Look for a more revealing interview by @dercoco where I admit a bunch of embarrassing stuff. And here it is, there's even a photo in this article that I may someday regret.......it has something to do with exposing myself, somewhat....Here's the slightly too revealing interview that the little German beast, @dercoco managed to weasel out of me at 3:30 am in my sleep-deprived, semi-feverish state:

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