Funny Comic Strip Week 14 entry [Zombies v.s Crittercrats] Tribute to Plants v.s Zombies Fan Art


Plants vs Zombies video game is one of our favorites. We use to play it all the time, to the point that we could see plants and zombies everywhere. This Fan Art is our tribute to the Plants vs Zombies video game. We gave a little twist to the characters and we put our own style in the process.

We introduce our own characters into the scene like if they are being chased by the zombies. Dream or reality this is a scary situation to deal with. It was a lot of fun putting them in the line of fire, running for their lives, so they wouldn't end up without Brainz. Where is Crazy Dave or the Plants when you need them? Run and hope that the lawnmowers have gas and they are ready to go or it will be GAME OVER.

This is our entry to the contest Funny Comic Strip Week 14 by @cobmaximus


zombies  vs crittercrats-1.jpg

Flat Colors

zombies  vs crittercrats flat colors-1.jpg

Comic Strip


Animated Process


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