Future Expectations

Hi My Fellow Steemians!

Hope all of you are having a lovely weekend!

So I caught another break and scribbled this one earlier.
This was supposed to be my entry for @cobmaximus' week 17 webcomic contest.
It's way past the deadline now but I'm still posting it anyway. I thought the idea was quite interesting.

The topic was THE FUTURE!


Ironic right!? I guess a post apocalyptic future would suck. But it does look cool when being depicted by movies and in the telly! Thanks for the nightmares, Hollywood!

Thank you so much for checking this out!

If you'd like to see more of my webcomics, please head over to my steemit blog.
Here's one that I recently scribbled too:

Hello Steemit! Don't Worry, I'm Still Alive!

BTW, we have a lot of great artists here who make webcomics!
Please pay a visit to the #steemit-webcomics tag and you'll get to enjoy some pretty cool stories and art there!

Thank you so much for the support!
Till' next time! :D

Ohana sig.gif


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