Someone From Outer Space Versus Someone From Outer Space!


Heyo my fellow Steemians!

Here's my entry for this week's webcomic contest by @cobmaximus!

The topic for this round is out of this world!
It's all about ALIENS!

What's more alien is there than presenting something from a movie titled with the word "ALIEN"?
Honestly though, I haven't had the time to see the Alien VS Predator movie
but I did watched the original Predator and Alien films.


Yikes right?! Ugh! What ending did you expect? Interrupting two vicious Aliens before they brawl?
I honestly thought of a twist where the Aliens just say okay I guess he makes sense and then they just leave and go home. But I guess the little guy just triggered them.

There's a lesson here folks. Now we all know we shouldn't go barging around and telling (alien) people that they or the stuff they do is dumb. It could get us into some real trouble!
Please be respectful to aliens and earthlings alike!

Here's a quick GIF peek on how I constructed the comic in Photoshop:

  • First I draw a rough sketch of the characters
  • Then I make a new layer where I make the line art and add in the colors.
    A separate layer is also made for the text.
  • I also make a layer behind the characters where I add in the background.

I wanted to make some crazy background for this one. Like a post apocalyptic scenery.
I haven't been drawing backgrounds for most of my comics so I wanted to make use of the empty space behind the characters this time. Well the background is still cartoony, but it did make the comic more colorful, I hope you all agree!

This was another fun comic to make!

Please visit my steemit blog if you'd like to see more of my work!

Sometimes I also join some other cool art contests outside of webcomics.
Here's an entry I made for @minnowbooster's emoji contest:

My Minnowmoji Contest Entry

Thank you for dropping by!
I really appreciate your support! :D

Ohana sig.gif

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