Virtual Reality Is Fun But..

Hey my Fellow Steemian Folks!

How are you all? I hope everyone's enjoying life as always!

This is my entry to this week's webcomic contest by @cobmaximus !

The topic for this one is video games.
I'm a bit of a gamer myself. But I'm a bit nervous about where gaming is heading now with all this Virtual Reality shiznizz!
Just kidding! I'm ready, PLAYER ONE! :D


Hehehe. So yeah, VR is fun but you gotta watch out for OPEN WINDOWS!
Especially if you're playing Jumpy Assassin!
The game of parkour fun where you stomp on enemies and do leaps of faith!

As with my previous comics, I did this all in Adobe Flash.
Here's a quick screenshot below:

And that's a wrap!

I tried to do something new this time around though
I wanted to make a sort of silent comic for this one!
Making silent comics is really challenging for me somewhat,
as you have to convey the story relying only with the images you draw hoping the audience can get it.
Most of my comics rely on witty (or sh*tty? You tell me guys! Lol) dialogue.
So this was a nice change of pace.

I hope you liked it! Thanks for checking it out!

If you'd like to see more of my webcomics, please head over to my steemit blog.

BTW, we have a lot of great artists here who make webcomics!
Please pay a visit to the #steemit-webcomics tag and you'll get to enjoy some pretty cool stories and art there!

Thank you so much for the support!
Till' next time! :D

Ohana sig.gif
SA sig.png

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