Welcome To Monster Rumble!


Hey All!

This is my entry for this week's web-comic contest by @cobmaximus.

We have a pretty awesome topic this week.
This week, it's all about Monsters and Mythical creatures!

Ooooohhh so plenty of awesome to choose from.
My imagination just went on overdrive.
I had a couple of ideas, but which creature?
Hmmmm.. Hmmmm....

Then it hit me! Why not gather them up? Why feature only one creature?
So a story stormed inside my head. And man, I thought it was good... Really good.
But I also thought it was very ambitious and will require so much hard work.

I told Cob that I had some ideas (I selected two. One really simple, like a 3-panel comic
and the other one is the epic one).
I wanted to do both but I don't think I can finish on time. So Cob decided for me:

"Choose the ambitious one.."

So, I took the hard road and went on to finish the most epic comic I've ever done so far.

It took time..
It took guts..
Now it's here...

I'd like to give some warning first though. Some of the scenes here are too graphic.
So this is not the usual stuff I do. Squirmish people, please stay away.
Just kidding! Please check it out too.
I've drawn it in the most cutesy way I can. (you get to see a unicorn!)

And now for the feature presentation...


Yep. The invisible man was there all this time. Even in the first panel. He was riding the unicorn. When I was conceiving the story I already thought about him as the winner. But how do the other creatures lose? Hmm.. I thought the only real threat to him was the Wolfman because he can smell his presence, so I had wolfie taken out early by Dracula. How did Drac got the jump on him? The wolfman was too preoccupied with eating the delicious mummy and forgot all about the match! It was quite fun thinking about how to take down each mythical creature one by one. I pondered hard how to take out Dracula epicly and which creature to do it. A stake to the heart would kill him but which monster would carry the weapon?
Then I realized, why not make the stake, a unicorn? Thus my favorite scene in the comic was born. Have you ever seen a unicorn impale Dracula? No? Well there you go!

Frank is afraid of fire (cue movie: Hotel Transylvania!) but who could burn him? Well why not the unicorn too? So now you know that unicorns let out a deadly flatulence when they breathe their last breath. This is actual fact and totally not made up! Spread the word! Hehehe.

Designing the characters was really fun!
My inspiration was the cast of the animated film "Hotel Transylvania".
Here's a peek of my raw drawings on paper:

First I sketch them with a mechanical pencil.
Then use a 0.1 unipin and a 1.0 artline calligraphy pen for the ink.

I have these scanned and edited / colored via Photoshop where I also add the text.

And that's a wrap!
Man I'm exhausted!
I hope you all enjoyed it!

I’d like to say thank you again to @cobmaximus. His wonderful contest has inspired me to bring out the best, and has helped me improve very much.

I invite everyone to join in on the fun! The webcomic contest is done weekly. You may have an amazing story to tell on the next theme! We encourage even those who are not able to draw. You can use stickmen if you want to as long as you can convey the story that you have in mind.

If you'd like to see more of my webcomics, please drop by my steemit blog!
Stay tuned for more! I'll be posting a new one next week!

Here are some of the previous webcomics I made that you may want to check out:
-- At the end of the day.. The kids always win..
-- The Super Blue Blood Moon

Thank you so much for the support!

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