Steemit Webcomics Funny Comic Strip Contest Week #6: The Sun

Hello everyone! This is my entry for the Funny Comic Contest hosted by @cobmaximus. It's been a busy week! I honestly had a really hard time coming up with something for this one. I had a few ideas but no one else thought they were funny, so I was left with something a little raunchy but not really. I think it's funny at least haha.

This time I got to use my other half's Lenovo's X one yoga, which has an OLED screen. I'm not sure if it was the tablet or the new version of Krita I downloaded but it had some bugs, so that set me back. Also, I need to really figure out Krita's comic template, it's still confusing since I really like working in a ridiculous amount of layers for when I mess up, but don't know how to keep the new layers in the template.

Sooo, this is kind of silly but again, it's all I could think of haha😋.

Thanks for looking 😁

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