Steemit Part Time Results First 30 Days

Hello Everyone!

About 30 Days ago I announced that I would be working on steemit part time to see what it would be like to share content with everyone and I wanted to break it down a little for everyone and give my opinion on it at the end!

Posts: 24
Average: 1 post every 1.25 days
Earnings: 125.98 Author Rewards
Common Tags: Life, food, health, CryptoCurrency, Gaming, and steem

High Opportunity, Little Results.

What I Have Learned?
Someone with about 1350 followers, they seem to be the same type of followers like on twitter. BOTS. This is a disappointing speculation I have. My friend @JerryBanfield Has about 11,000 followers receiving about 450 Upvotes or views per post. That is about 4% of his followers, viewing or uprooting his content. I might end up doing a solo post based on the bot aspect of steemit.

My average post gets about 15 upvotes or views which would indicate that 1.1% of my followers are upvoting me. That would need to be a percentage increase or decrease less than 1% due to the fact that someone not following me saw my post.

What I Noticed?
Whales, I had a couple whale upvotes more recently but not in the first 30 days. They seem to seek out posts that are thoughtful and obtain many UNIQUE images. However, the whales typically up vote the post about 1% voting power. This results into a thought of big whales just auto-voting most of the content they vote on.

My Recommendation!
I would encourage many people to use Steemit because it presents a great opportunity to any curator! Especially bloggers, who see little to no results on their website, steemit presents a good opportunity for them!

On the other hand, I would like to say, if you are looking to make a lot of money on steemit, YOU WILL NEED TO BUILD UP YOUR INVESTMENT! You have a great opportunity to gain a lot of money here!!! As long as you invest a lot into steem and become a whale yourself! Just my 2 cents.

Find all my videos on Youtube!

Time to get my Steem On!.png

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