Have a Say in the Steem Film!

Steem Inc. has asked my company Bitfilm to create a promotional film for Steemit. Our goal is to have it ready for SteemFest in Amsterdam.

We want to create it in close cooperation with the Steemit community, as you know best what you like about Steemit.

Please use the comments to contribute to the film's script. You can answer one or several of the following questions or just write whatever you like.

  1. How would you explain Steemit in a few sentences to your friends?
  2. What are the main advantages of Steemit?
  3. What are your best experiences with Steemit?
  4. Which kind of content do you especially like on Steemit?
  5. What should be the final message of the film - the strapline when the logo appears?

We are looking forward to your comments!

One thing you should know: although we like animation and most of our films are animated (see our showreel below), this time we will show real people, because that's what Steemit is all about. We have already casted some real Steemians to play the main roles in our film.

If you want to play a role, please let us know - but be aware that the shooting will take place in Berlin and we cannot cover travel expenses.

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