How do you Steemit? Part 3: Posting - what/when/how/why

- Introduction

This is the third post in a five part series in which I'll be talking about how I 'Steemit'. The topics are as follows:

1. Voting/Curation (Yesterdays post, updated with a section on Comment voting and Bot trailing via Wallets)
2. Steem Power Delegation
3. Posting (This post)
4. Interaction
5. Bid-bots

The goal is to be open about what I'm doing here and perhaps provide some hints to help other users. I'm also hoping there will be some feedback from you guys, containing tips, tricks, and advice to aid the Steemit journey - How do you Steemit?

Courtesy of

Submit a Story - anddddd 'POST'

Well, what the hell do I know about writing the perfect article, the time to post it, how it should be formatted, what the content should be?

Answer: Not enough to speak with any kind of authority! Here are some thoughts though:

Post layout and structure: Produce a template, and save it in Notepad or word. This way you'll be producing a simliar stucture each time. Tweak it by all means, and see what's looking pretty among the hit posts and copy the layout (not the content!).

Once or twice a day: Seems like the right amount. If you've got a masterpiece (hello @teamsteem) then a couple of times a week works too! The balance depends on your status, content type, and much more. Flood the home screens of followers, they will get miffed. Rarely appear, and you could be forgotten.

Photos and Gifs: Don't steal them, cite them! Take your own photos, make your own gifs. Check out @stackin's cover images - original, clear, cool. Footer images/gifs can look nice too, part of consistency and 'brand'.

Spelling and grammar: Try your best! I've seen whales with terrible spelling and grammar but if you want to make it further up the ranks, you can't be so slack these days.

Consistency: In both in layout and subject.

Same time, same place tomorrow @maarnio ?

Original content: Ya? Really Asher, thanks for this tip! No problem :) For ideas I go to @stellabelle's blogs and read some of her work. Read a post and walk away with 5 new ideas.

The Steem queen of mind-mining

What is Original content to me?

Undisputed original content is anything you write which is about yourself and your life.

What about a series/competition?

Portraits from Nepal - @osmosis
How Neds Delegated Power Is Used - @paulag
Steemy - EP. 1-16 - @flauwy
SteemFat - @exyle
Daily crypto chart - @maarnio

Or you could appear and write 3 blogs and find instant stardom!

Who's this guys agent?!


When to Post?

So much discussion on this. Whole articles explaining about there being 50 more users online at 4:20pm EST than at midnight WST (Western sleeping time). blahhhh.

There is a tool to check when your votes are coming in here. For me it tells you only the day/time in which you have posted the most articles (as most votes come in in the first hour) - Friday, around noon. Great!?

If you post at the same time each day, you perhaps get seen by the same people. You post at different times each day, you may have a new audience. I see good and bad in both methods, so I'm just going to say.... don't stress, post when you want!

Very good, but this series is called how do YOU Steemit?

Sorry, I'm supposed to be talking about what I do. Hmm, well.... I'm inconsistent in topics, ('cause I post what I like) and my formatting changes (as sometimes i'm out and about and on my phone). My grammar could be better, spelling is a little hit and miss, and I post any time between 9 am and midnight.

Like I said, I'm not the authority on this ;)


One thing I do think is key for longevity on the platform with regards to writing is that you must work on and publish the topics that you enjoy writing about. Otherwise, your love will fade along with motivation and quality.

So this is part 3 of 'How do you Steemit?' complete.

Next time: How do you Steemit? - 4: Interaction

Please comment below if you have any questions, feedback, ideas to share. This is what the box is for :)

Thanks for reading today



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