Women & Cryptocurrency - And Why Steemit Is A Game-Changer!

The Crypto world is an awesome place, without a doubt.
I feel like people in the cryptocurrency scene are mostly open-minded, bright, futuristic risk-takers, with a desire for MORE.

But why is it that the crypto scene is still mostly dominated by men?

Whenever someone meets a woman that is into crypto, you always get the same kind of response:

"Oh, you know about crypto? Really?"

Although the surprised look on their faces may be flattering, it's still strange to think how much of a difference it makes if a man or a woman talks about technology.

The problem is that women still have to cope with stereotypes - being objectified and judged for our looks is still a regular occurrence.

And even WHEN you start talking about crypto, I feel like you just don't get taken seriously.
It's easy to underestimate someone's knowledge because you just assume they won't have anything valuable to say.

I get it: in the end, crypto is all based on technology, and you need some technical understanding (and interest in it) in order to gain some knowledge about crypto.

But honestly - even without understanding every detail of the technological concepts, I personally have developed a huge interest in the crypto scene!
With all these new ICO's, new ideas, new innovations and constant price fluctuations, it just never gets boring! How could you not be interested in that?
When @sirwinchester first introduced me to Bitcoin in 2012, I thought the concept itself had a lot of potential - but I didn't really get into it. (And little did I know that Bitcoin would decuple in value soon...)

It wasn't until a few years later when I slowly started to develop my own interest in the crypto world, because I realized the huge potential of not only digital currencies, but also Blockchain Technology itself.

That's why you can expect some crypto-related content on my blog, as well as personal or more "girly" topics.


Like I mentioned above, many women don't even give crypto a change because they don't understand the technical background behind it.

... And that's where Steemit comes in!

Steemit is the first cryptocurrency-based platform that doesn't require any technological knowledge.
This is such a huge benefit, and one of the reasons why platforms like Steemit have the potential to finally bring cryptocurrency to the masses.
To use Steemit, you need barely any crypto knowledge - you only need to know how to blog, and maybe how to convert your steem earnings back to fiat currency. But that's it!

And that's also why Steemit has become the gateway to cryptocurrency not only for many women, but also many people outside of the crypto scene.

Steemit introduces people to cryptocurrency in the most simple way, and gives everyone the equal chance to blog about whatever they like - Steem On!


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