A Test of Trust... Who Are Your True vs Fake Followers?

A Test of Trust

Do you want to know what's the method to check on this. You don't need a Steemit tool, scientific method or technology to check on them. A simple method will do... Just follow them back. This is a Test of Trust and I have proven that this method works by catching hundreds of them who were currently have been added to my blacklist register. If you have been thinking of giving them (the Fake Followers) a second chance, just forget it... Nature Cannot Be Changed. The moment you re-added them to your list, they will again unfollow you. I have tested this also and that's how the blacklist register came about. Todate I have over 100 people registered in my blacklist register.


Respect for Respect

Since I joined Steemit, I stick to my principle of respecting people who followed me by following them back. I believe those newbies deserve to be given chances so that they too can build their own good numbers of followers, a motivation to keep on going in this platform. I trust that the respect that I gave to anyone by following them would mean that they will continue to follow me after I followed them back. But this was not the case for some of them. To those who have been doing it the wrong way, trust me you cannot succeed in this platform this way, there is no shortcut to success.

Steemit is Different

I have read too many articles saying that Steemit is unlike other social media. It is not Facebook which you follow people easily, means follow for follow. But I don't know why I am reluctant to follow that advise. I continue to carry on my chosen way till now. That's why you can see that the number of my followers and followings are quite the same as I also have my favorite authors to follow so my followings will be slightly more than my followers.

Unity Is Strength

Holding this principle of mine has a set back. After a while I realized that the numbers just don't tally. I well understood how much the difference between my followers and my followings. So to clear the doubt in my mind, I started doing a checklist to compare my followers vs my followings. And to my surprise, some of them has unfollowed me the moment I followed them back. Phew... that's kind of nasty right and selfish right. It's like I was lured to follow them and they were just waiting to be added and once followed, they will immediately unfollow you. I have been wondering what's the reason of doing that, isn't it weird?


I hope you will also maintain a register of your followers like mine. I make it a discipline to make a weekly comparison exercise (followers vs followings). It is tedious but must be done to protect your own interest. Somewhere here, some people were having such a big followings through this cheating method. We cannot fight them all, but we can prevent it from happening to us.

Take care everyone and Stay Blessed.

Yours truly,
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