Hello! Hello! Group#4: SBD Giveaway Continues... Unity is Strength!

Hooray! Here we celebrate our yet another success for HHG4! Cheers Everyone!

Contest! Contest! Contest! It’s all about contests. We had the longest discussions ever with a whooping 403 comments. We finished our weekly discussions and managed to visit each other’s blog to provide ideas and brainstorm about our contests experiences. We have proven that we are sincere in supporting each other and here is a shout of thanks to the Hello Hello Group#4! We are united and stronger together. Congrats to all who supported and participated in this project! We are all connected here because we believe in having a good community that is connected. I am so happy all the strong communicators that believed in creating good community accepted my call towards unity and here we are celebrating our success for another week. I hope to receive your continuous support in this journey. My sincerest appreciations to our group members who took extra efforts by welcoming newbies and inviting them to join the Hello Hello Group! "All for One and One for All".


@angelro, @atakan57, @cutirenskei, @denni.japro, @gumegxgolgom, @mbell, @quratulain, @riskisans, @rlt47, @rvag5, @shanu, @syedkashifhussai, @teggit, @wilhb81.

Welcome to our newest additions to HHG!

@jacksondavies, @nomee004, @shahzblog, @xlaylamx

Payment Summary

Payment Summary below, please check your wallet, I have transferred a total of 6.80 SBD to all participants that have qualified to receive the payment for Hello! Hello! Steemit #4. My thumbs up to @rlt47 who made the top spot. Congrats to all! You deserve it.
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Hello! Hello! Steemit Topic #4

Do you participate in any Steemit Contest? What made you decided to join that particular contest? Do you enjoy it? Have you won any contest? Share with us your stories..

Compilations of the best reflections on the topic of the week. I really like all comments for the HHG4 topic. All of you made me proud to be self-independent in exchanging good discussions. Good job HHG, keep it up!

@rlt47 now a contests' expert, has participated in many contests at the starting of HHG4 and won a runner-up in a caption contest by @sanmi. He encourages to participate in contest, because it has the following benefits;

  • You get known within the wider Steemit community.
  • You get to learn how Steemit works
  • You get to have 'serious' fun!
  • You develop and test you own skill levels
  • Finally, you may even win some SP & SBD
  • You may not win the contest, but other people will recognise you and upvote your posts.
  • Proposed all members of the group should honour the spirit of @ainie.kashif by going on to create their own group or contest (maybe not now, but in time).
  • Further your own growth and further personal brand exposure.
  • He has started joining different contests and will see which ones better. But, it is now important that he find the right tools and software to help him be competitive. Also, he must increase his skill levels, that he feels will be worth his time.
  • By participating in contests we will be exposed to other Steemians you would otherwise not meet.
  • Test your own skills and talents in other areas, that you may not have thought about otherwise (and the extra SBD and SP incentive helps).
  • Finally, you have a unique opportunity to develop and create a contest in your subject matter, this will do 3 things; Grow your audience to upvote your posts; Grow the interest in your subject; and
    finally, grow your personal brand.
  • It is important not to give up and keep trying. It is important the all our members understand we do Steemit for the love of it, also then we choose the contests we love. So even though we don't win we are still satisfied. The money is little and it's a bonus, to get paid to have fun. But one day all our fun will add up and pay us well.

@syedkashifhussai participated in #colorchallenge. He believes that by joining contests frequently will make you confident, definitely increase your level, best way to earn money and you get many ideas about your topic.

@shanu participated in many contests and won some contests and will continue with her contest endeavours.


  • Although she entered many contests but contests still scare her but are giving her more confidence each time. She has trouble understanding some of the contests and how Steemit works.
  • Contests are a great way to see the strengths in each person. And it is also a great way to share content you wouldn't think of on your own.
  • She started blogging to only focus on her writing. Eventually she saw some contests that tickled her creative side enough that she realized that almost everyone on here likes to participate as part of the fun of being in the Steemit community.

@angelro said one should become perfect or learn things only by participating and thereby making mistakes on that way. And nobody is perfect too. And those who never have that "I KNOW EVERYTHING" attitude and ready to learn things from anywhere anytime and from anyone will succeed in his life.


  • He said, “Do not give up, just follow what is appropriate for your ability, you will feel the results later, after the difficulty must come success, always positive against anything, if you try surely you will get it, good work, may the future success accompany you.”
  • His further advise, “You can try to follow some contests that have some category, for example me, because my hobby in photography, so I prefer to participate in photo contest, maybe if you are also interested in photography, you can try some of the following categories, and each category should match the day, this I will share for you, may be useful:
  • He won 11 times photo contests held by @juliank. My hats off to him, so awesome!

@atakan57 said that he has participated in many contests but never win any. There are many professionals in contests and with time we can be professional, just NEVER GIVE UP! He loves contests because there are many advantages in joining contests here. It helps you when you cannot find the subject, you can potentially win a cash prize, you can research to learn new ideas and benefit from different views of others.

@xlaylamx said that she never participated in a steemit contest, she has actually tried but did not understood very well. She decided to join HHG4 because she wished to understand better how steemit works and learning something new every day. She noticed that everybody is very receptive and helpful and was enjoying it.

@mbell said that contests allow you to think outside the box, you can meet new people and they help you to promote the things you do in your blog. Although she would like to blog more, add more drawings, paintings, stories and photos, but with all the problems that she is facing, contests have been a great help to keep her posting. She makes a list of contests that she likes and for the rest of the week she focuses on doing something in her free time, during blackouts with enough natural lighting or at night with my little reading lamp.

  • @mbell, my heart goes out to you. I can only pray for you that all your problems with be erased by the Universe and everything will be okay for you eventually.

@cutirenskei started blogging only on topics that she was interested in, by writing stories about her experiences, travel and life challenges but she changed her mind as her blogs taking too much of her busy time. Then she learned from her other friends that she can easily post many blogs by joining daily contest and photography contest. She continues to join the daily contest since it enhances her writing skills, enable to post frequently despite of my busy schedules.

@rvag5 said that she likes to participate in contests because it is a way to stay active and increase your level but we must be original when we join any contest.


Please continue to keep on participating in contest, it’s not easy to win but also not impossible. So please participate in as many contests as you like. There are many contests to join, you can refer to @artz weekly compilation of Steemit contests which he will post on every Monday. And thanks to @rlt47 who found best compilation for latest writing contests by @moneyinfant. I am tempted to try one writing contest, just need to find the right time. Writing contest takes time to complete, need full focus.

Congrats to the following HHG Members' movements to higher RP (Reputation Level). Keep it up all! You are all on the right track. Please keep the momentum going upwards and onwards.

A Shout Out of Thanks to the following Great Steemians who supported this project.

Thank you so much for resteeming the Hello Hello Group #4

@angelro, @atakan57, @cutirenskei, @denni.japro, @gumegxgolgom, @jacksondavies, @mbell, @nomee004, @oguz57, @riskisans, @rlt47, @rvag5, @sabarniati.aceh, @shahzblog, @shanu, @syedkashifhussai, @teggit, @wilhb81, @xlaylamx

I started the project Hello! Hello! Steemit and founded the Hello Hello Group (HHG) in celebration of my reaching 2000+ followers. Interested to find out what is it all about? Read all about it below:

Feel free to participate, check out the latest rules/post here Hello! Hello! Group #4. A united community that is well connected will make the Steem Blockchain stronger. Being charming is the key. Don't worry about grammar or spelling, this is not English contest... I hope you can expand your networking and meet great communicators in HHG5 which I will be announcing very soon. Have Fun all!

Yours truly,
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