Letting My Emotions Spill Out On A Steemit Article

I have been faced with some challenges recently, and they have been summoned upon me because of my mistakes and wrong doings. And though I don't want to talk in detail about what happened, I feel that I should voice my emotions.

I have a problem of doing things before thinking. I am not perfect, and I feel that I should openly admit the flaws I have as a person. Maybe you can learn something or maybe feel a little better about yourself or maybe it's a reminder for you.

Recently, my character has been tested and I have realized that I make irrational decisions and I don't listen to some of the people who want to truly help me. I have a thick skull, and i'm stubborn. And I have had a conversation with one of those who really care about me, and our conversation has taught me that I should really think about why certain people say certain things. And a lot of times, I forget about the things people say and I need reminder. I am not a perfect human, and I have made many mistakes that I have may or may not have learned from, but now I'm starting to realize my flaws and what I need to learn from certain events.

And some of my supporters may understand some of the emotional tests I am going through right now, but that is only the half of it. There is much more going on in the background when it comes to my emotional health and progress and what I need to do to become a better person. I try my best, some may or may not see it, but I do.

Another thing I find myself doing is saying stuff I don't need to say. I feel I say things just to "fill the air" and make something be said when it doesn't need to be said. And I have been doing some thinking about mistakes I've made in the past, and i've noticed one pattern. I have attracted all of the bad things that happened to me. I was in full control.

And another thing I would like to address is in the past, I have trusted people too much. I didn't think certain people will betray you. But I was DEAD wrong. Certain situations have occurred lately, and have shown me that I need to wake up and know who to trust.

Dear supporters, I really want to thank you for being there for me and supporting me during the time of emotional distress...Although the challenges I have faced on steemit are not the whole piece of the pie, I still want to thank you guys for being there for me during a time of need. And to my family, (my mom and dad), I love you very much, And I hope you know that. Sometimes I made mistakes and i'm not perfect, but i hope you guys know my heart is in the right place.

To be honest, as im writing this, I already feel better. But thanks for reading, and have a wonderful journey in this thing we call life. ;)
-I have hope for my life,family, and friends thanks to steemit-1 (1).png

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