Steemit communities where are they?


So after hardfork 18 there was talks that steemit communities were on the horizon.

I think now more then ever as Steemit is seeing a huge influx of new users we need communities.

I miss so many great posts due to the fact that there are so many posts now, good quality posts are getting plunged down the feed so quickly only a small handful of people actually get to read them.

I often can come back to check Steemit after just an hour or less and see 200+ new posts waiting for me.

Not only is this stopping some of the quality posts from earning but can also deter and dishearten new users from putting time and effort into Steemit as their posts are hardly getting more then just a couple of upvotes, creating many dead fish in the immense ocean that Steemit is.

So I ask the devs this question when are we getting communities?

We need them and so does Steemit to grow expotentially

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